Chapter fourteen: The Birth

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How dare you?! Touch her again and I promise you, that....

this will be the last time that you will ever touch anything again!

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The good news about Atropos' pregnancy was now eight months ago and every god in Valhalla was full of excitement because the child would come soon. Hades and Atropos planned to travel to Valhalla three days before the due date so that she could give birth there. When that day arrived, Atropos became a little nervous. "Is everything okay, my love?" Hades asked, not missing her nervousness.

"To be honest, I'm a little afraid of giving birth. I have heard so many horror stories from other goddesses. Especially that it hurts terribly...." she said and hugged him. He put his arms around her and tried to calm her down. "Do not let them make you crazy. I promise you that I won't leave your side for a second and will hold your hand when the time comes." Atropos smiled and kissed him on the mouth. She immediately felt much better. He kissed her back and said, "Well then... Shall we go, my queen?" She nodded and said, "Yes, let's go! We have a child that's waiting for us."

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After a while they arrived in Valhalla and were already greeted with joy. Zeus was the first to greet them: "It's nice to see you. Soon, the baby will be born, right? We all can hardly wait until the child is here!" Hades and Atropos nodded. She looked over at Hermes, who was standing right next to Zeus and smiled.

She hadn't spoken to him since the kissing incident. Even now it still felt strange. Of course she had told Hades about it at the time. When she told him about it, he wasn't happy at all and actually wanted to make it clear to Hermes that he was never allowed to see her again, but she insisted on forgetting the whole thing. She looked at Hades and noticed his calm but cold gaze towards Hermes. Apparently he hadn't gotten over the whole thing yet. She took his hand and gave him a serious look. He understood and stopped staring hat Hermes.

They went to Atropos' mother and her sisters, who were already waiting for them. Her mother hugged her and said, "My child, you look good. But still so thin... You need enough strength for the birth. Are you okay?" Atropos smiled. "I've never felt better. I can't wait until the child is finally here."

She put her arms around Hades' waist. He smiled and added, "Don't worry. I always kept an eye on her and made sure she was eating enough." Atropos' mother smiled with relief and thanked Hades. Her doctor was also there and examined Atropos again. "It's all right. I think the child will come on time in three days if he doesn't suddenly change his mind," the doctor said and laughed. Atropos laughed too. "Now it's just a matter of waiting. As soon as you feel the first long contractions, that's it," she added and left the room.

In the evening, Hades and Atropos decided to sit down by the fountain in the palace garden and let the day end. They played a game of chess and puzzled over a suitable name for their child. "We've been putting it off for a long time, my darling, but it won't be long now and we need a name. Otherwise, our child will be nameless when he comes," she said, thinking about her next move. "If we look our child in the eyes, we will find the right name." He watched her next move and then placed his chess piece.

As she was about to make her next move, Hermes suddenly came up to greet the two. "Forgive me for interrupting, but I just wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming birth. I would also like to borrow your wife for a brief moment, if you allow me, my lord." Atropos looked surprised, but before she could give any answer, Hades stood up and glared at Hermes.

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