Chapter eight: Taken

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I don't want to hurt him anymore....

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Hades was already waiting for Atropos at the gate. He could hardly wait to see her again. He had already planned a surprise for her two days before her arrival: He wanted to greet her with a nice dinner and give her an engagement ring, because although he had proposed to her six months ago, he had never had the opportunity to give her an engagement ring. Atropos had told him that she didn't need a ring, but he still wanted to please and surprise her.

After waiting for a while and Atropos still hadn't appeared, Hades was beginning to get restless and started to worry when the gate opened behind him. However, it was not the carriage that appeared, but two injured servants who were supporting each other. They passed through the gate and fell to the ground. Hades rushed to them.

"What happened? Where is Atropos?" The two servants knelt down and wept bitterly. "My lord,... Lady Atropos was..... she was taken! Gaia attacked us unexpectedly and took her.... Forgive us, my lord!" said one, of the servants. Hades' expression darkened. He took off his eye patch and crushed it in his hand.

He went back to the castle to fetch his bident. When he returned, his servants were still kneeling on the floor, crying. "My lord... what will you do now?" one of them asked. Hades' look was by now full of anger and hatred. "A stupid question to which there is an obvious answer: I'm going to get her back, of course!" he replied and set off. He knew exactly where to look: In Gaia's realm, Typhoeus.

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Where am I? It's so dark.... Atropos slowly opened her eyes. It was cold. She was lying tied on a stone floor, in a small dungeon. She peered through the bars of the dungeon and heard footsteps gradually approaching her.

"Ah, are you finally awake?" asked Gaia, who had rested her right hand on her hip. Atropos sat down and noticed that her head hurt. She remembered that she had been hit on the head when she had tried to fight back. She had a small wound on her forehead and blood was running down from it. She said nothing.

Gaia sighed and sat down on a small chair that was next to her. "You can stare at me all you want. It won't do you any good. But... I'll make you an offer: If you help me, I'm willing to let you out of the dungeon and you can stay in a more comfortable room." Atropos raised an eyebrow. "Help you? What do you want me to help you with?" she asked. "Don't act dumber than you are, child. I know you're smarter than you're pretending to be right now! I want you to help me overthrow Zeus, of course. If you tell me the future, I'll always be one step ahead of Zeus because I'll already know his strategy in advance! I need your vision of the future for that!"

Atropos looked away. "No, I refuse to help you! I'd rather die!" she said, now scowling at Gaia. Gaia sighed. "I'm afraid I can't do you that favor. Don't you want to protect your future husband?" asked Gaia, smirking victoriously. Atropos stared at Gaia in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Gaia stood up and took a step forward. "It's simple: If you help me, I will spare Helheim and your lover. If not, then this time I will send twice as many giants and demons after Helheim. Do you really think Hades will be able to hold off twice as many enemies all by himself? Do you want your beloved to be sacrificed for the sake of Zeus?" Atropos shuddered at this thought. She did not know what to do.

"I will give you one day to think about my offer. If you don't help me, then you can watch your future husband begin his journey to Nifelheim." Gaia turned and left. Atropos, still shocked, suddenly felt as helpless again as when she had the dream about Tartarus. She could not hold her tears any longer and wept bitterly. Hades...what am I going to do?

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