Chapter ten: The day after the wedding

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I honestly have little desire to discuss it with you, and so I don't care what you think.

I'm not a traitor!

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​​​​When Atropos woke up the next morning, she felt a slight headache. Maybe I drank a little too much wine after all. She looked to the side and noticed that Hades was not lying next to her, but had already gotten up.

She straightened up and holding the blanket over her body because she was not wearing any clothes. Her eyes wandered around the room when she suddenly heard the door to open. She looked at the door and saw Hades who entered and went to her.

"Good morning, my beautiful wife. Did you sleep well?" he asked, kissing her on the forehead. Atropos nodded. "Very well. And you?" Hades smiled. "That was the best sleep I ever had," he replied, grinning. Atropos' cheeks flushed slightly.

Hades sat down next to her and looked down at her. "You're going to catch a cold, my Beautiful. I'll bring your dress and then we can have breakfast in the palace garden. I've had everything prepared."

He got up and brought her dress. She took it and put it on while he eyed her up and down. He smiled, which did not go unnoticed by Atropos. "What?" she asked, smiling. Hades put his hands on her hips and pulled her to him. "Seeing you like this, I'd like to repeat last night right now," he said, laughing.

Atropos laughed as well, "There's nothing wrong with that, but I'd like some breakfast first." Hades embraced her and kissed her on the forehead. After that, they left the room to go to the palace garden and have breakfast.

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When they arrived at the palace garden, everything was already prepared. There was a small table in the middle with fresh fruit, cheese, bread and tea. They sat down and ate something.

After a while, Hades interrupted the silence. "We must return to Helheim tomorrow. If there is anything else you want to do or even want to do with your family, you should do it today." Atropos nodded. "Indeed I should, but..." she paused briefly to take a sip of tea, " family is now your family as well. So I would love it if you would come with me. I'm having dinner with my mother and sisters tonight. Will you come?" Hades smiled and nodded.

"If this is not a problem, then very gladly." Atropos was pleased. "That's no a problem at all. They would be very happy if you would come, my darling." "Then it is decided. Before that, however, I will have to discuss a few matters with my brothers. Political matters. Would you like to come?" he asked, crossing his legs at the same time. "Yes, I would love to. Politics is not my favorite subject, but as queen I have to be up to the task and I want to support my husband," she answered and stood up.

She walked over to Hades and sat on his lap, which he gladly offered her. She put her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. Hades caressed her face and with his right hand pressed her head to him to kiss her on the mouth.

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After breakfast, Atropos first took a bath and put on another dress. Then she went to the meeting room, where Hades was already waiting for her outside the door. "Sorry to keep you waiting so long," she said, bowing slightly. Hades shook his head. "Don't worry about it. The meeting hasn't started yet.", he answered and took her hand to go with her to the meeting room.

When they entered, Zeus, Poseidon and Adamas were already seated at the table. Hermes, who was standing next to Zeus, bowed. Hades led Atropos to a chair that was right next to his chair. They sat down and let Zeus initiate the meeting.

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