Chapter three: An invitation and a dream

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I don't know what will happen in the future. But I want to find it out... with you by my side....

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The next days felt easier and more carefree than usual for Atropos. The meeting in the garden with Hades was already several days ago. Until today she still felt his embrace and his gentle words. I will be there for you. She blushed every time she thought back to those words. Of course, she had not told anyone about this encounter. This moment belonged to her alone.

So it came to pass that she took Hades' advice and went to the library to do some research. She searched books on dreams and dream interpretations to find out more about the meaning of her dream. As soon as she found useful information, she wrote it down. However, some information were sometimes less useful. A dream could indicate a stressful/negative event from everyday life or a fervent desire. Hmm...yeah right! I wish for nothing more than to be killed by a monstrous hand. One, of many thoughts that ran through her head as she read the books.

Sometimes she would run into Hades in the library, who obviously enjoyed watching her research. Sometimes he just sat next to her while she read and sometimes they both talked about Atropos' research or they talked about completely different interests they shared, e.g. the garden, Helheim or even chess. These moments always made Atropos laugh and she felt overjoyed every time.

"My offer to come to Helheim with me still stands, Aisa." Hades said, looking at her eagerly to see how she would react. She had already forgotten all about his offer, but she was beginning to consider accepting it. She didn't say so right away, however, but instead replied, "I'll think about your offer in the near future and give you an answer in time." Hades smiled and was satisfied with this answer for now.

After her meeting with Hades in the library, she returned to her workroom, as she still had some work to do. In the room she met her two sisters, who were taking a little break. Lachesis stared inquisitively at her sister. "So, what's Hades sama'scharacter like? You seem to be spending a lot of time together lately. Mother has already noticed that, too."

Atropos smirked and asked her sister what their mother thought of her spending time with one of the four highest ranking gods of Olympus. "She said it's okay with her as long as you don't forget your duties. Besides, it would be good for our image and give us even more prestige.," Klotho said, continuing to spin threads of life while Lachesis examined them.

Atropos sat down on her chair and began again to read through her sister's notes and decide on the death of some people. Today I will not send so many to Helheim. That was the first thought that came to her mind after she took a quick look at the list of names. The work continued today until late in the evening. Atropos was quite tired, but she still wanted to talk to Hermes, so she decided to pay a visit to the Messenger of the Gods, despite her tiredness.

Arriving at his room, he already opened the door for her and invited her in. "Good evening! How can I help you?" he asked with a broad grin, acting clueless. "You know perfectly well why I'm here. Cut out the bad jokes. Your grin gives you away, Hermes."

With those words, she sat down on the sofa and took out pen and paper. "Yeah, I know. Did you have visions of the future you want to sing about again?" he replied, taking out his violin. Whenever Atropos had visions of the future about events that were about to happen to mortals, she sought out Hermes to compose songs about those events with his help. She had always appreciated Hermes' musical abilities and therefore found them very helpful. She manipulated pen and paper so that the words she sang would write themselves while Hermes composed the song on his violin. They were a well-coordinated team.

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