Chapter thirteen: An unexpected guest

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- You seem pitiful to me... I want to help you....

- I've already heard of your kindness, Queen of Helheim.

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Two months later, Atropos decided to pay a short visit to her family in Valhalla. "Are you sure you can travel alone, my Beautiful?" asked Hades anxiously. Atropos nodded and hugged him. "Don't worry about it. I'll be back in three days. My mother insists that I come over to be treated by her doctor. This woman had supported my mother in her pregnancy at the time."

He put his hands on her belly and said, "I wish I could accompany you, but I'm afraid I heard a rumor about a devil fighting our forces. I must stay here and protect our castle. Forgive me." She shook her head and said, "There is nothing to forgive. You are protecting our home. That's all that matters to me. Do what you have to do, my darling." She smiled and rested her head on his chest. "You're just great! Be careful and if you need help, let me know right away." He hugged her and kissed her tenderly on the mouth.

Atropos left early the next morning. Hades completed his tasks so far and sat down on the sofa after a long day of work. He missed his wife and decided to call her to ask her how the conversation with the doctor went.

"Everything is fine. The doctor said she will support me during the birth. Our child is healthy. I also know what it will be.... I didn't really want to know, but my sisters were whispering so loudly that I couldn't help overhearing," she told him, laughing. "So, what's it going to be? A boy or a girl?" asked Hades eagerly. "I think I'll tell you in person tomorrow night. Does that sound good?" she asked. "Yeah, that sounds good...wait...tomorrow night? Weren't you supposed to come back the day after tomorrow?" he asked, surprised. "I've got everything sorted out here. Besides... I miss you. That's why I decided to come back tomorrow night already. Can you manage another day without me, my darling?" she replied, "Yes, I can. I'll be glad when you're back. I miss you too."

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The next day, Hades completed all his chores as quickly as possible, as he wanted to be finished before Atropos will come home. That evening he sat down in the throne room to read a book before she returned. Suddenly he heard shouting in the corridors of his castle and footsteps approaching the throne room. When he looked at the door, he saw a young man with black hair and torn clothes. He appeared to be badly injured.

["I believe that not just anyone can enter the king's chambers like that," Hades said, placing his book on the small round table next to him. He propped his head up with his right arm and asked, "Well... what do you want from me, Lord of the Flies?.. Beelzebub...." Beelzebub stared at him and replied, "So, you are Hades.... Listen... I have a request for you, Hades." Hades stared at him with interest. "I have heard rumors of a devil, fallen from heaven, fighting against my forces. You must be the mad Demon of Helheim."

Beelzebub didn't talked that much but challenged Hades to a fight which caused Hades to look surprised. He smirked and put his eye patch on the book he had placed on the table earlier. "What a pain in the ass....," he stood up to take his bident from its holder and continued, "Hmph, well. My name is Hades, king of Helheim. I accept your challenge, Lord of the Flies!"

Hades fought Beelzebub for a while until he struck him with a fierce blow of his bident and catapulted him out through the ceiling of the castle. Beelzebub's back hit the castle walls while Hades jumped after him and landed softly on his feet in front of him. "You are indeed the king of Helheim... So strong..... I can't win, but.... so I can finally die." said Beelzebub, crying. Hades was slightly confused and asked Beelzebub why he did want to eagerly die.

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