Chapter nine: Wedding

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Soon you will be mine forever.

~But I am already yours, my love.~

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Atropos woke up the next morning slightly confused. She turned around and saw Hades lying next to her. She tried to sit up and examined him more closely. His small wound on his forehead was treated and didn't look too bad anymore. What worried her more was Hades' arm as well as his belly. Both wounds were already treated too, but still looked very painful. She also had a small wound on her forehead, but she was nowhere near as injured as he was, but she still felt quite exhausted from her near-death experience.

She lay down and hugged him. She kissed his wound on his forehead and stroked his face. Suddenly, she felt his arm wrapped around her and her body pressed against his. "You woke up.... How are you?" he asked in a soft voice. Atropos looked at him with concern. "I'm fine, but you're badly hurt...." Hades shook his head slightly. "I'm fine. The wounds don't hurt as much as the fact that I almost lost you forever yesterday."

He pressed her even tighter to him and kissed her on the forehead. Atropos kissed his chest, which was also bandaged. They both stayed like that for a while until Hades loosened his grip and looked into her eyes. He touched her chin with his thumb and forefinger and kissed her tenderly on the mouth. Atropos returned the kiss and closed her eyes.

Hades lay over her, caressed her waist and pulling up her nightgown. Atropos stopped short and asked, "Are you sure? Are you not in pain? We can wait...." Hades smiled and replied, "My pain isn't so bad that I can't show affection to my future wife. And as for waiting..... I can't wait any longer." Atropos laughed. "If that is what you desperately need right now, then I will not deny you, my king."

He continued kissing her, traveling his lips down her body to her thighs, which he kissed and caressed on the inside. He moved his hands down her body and pushed her legs apart so that his hips fit between them. She moaned and took off his shirt and pants. Hades pressed his hips close to hers and took off the rest of her clothes.

She kissed him even more intimately and touched every inch of his body with her hands. She grabbed his hip and pressed it against hers while Hades took her with all the strength he could muster. When they were done, they were still lying on top of each other, looking deep into each other's eyes. They kissed and both said to each other at the same time, "I love you." They both laughed and fell asleep together arm in arm.

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It had been a week since the kidnapping. Atropos' wounds had almost healed and were barely visible. Hades' wounds had also almost completely healed. Since the incident, Atropos had the feeling that Hades was guarding her even more than usual and tried to keep her close as often as possible. Atropos did not mind this at all, as she enjoyed his closeness and was thus more involved in his decisions and daily tasks. He also made an effort, despite the fact that he was very busy, to help her more with the wedding preparations. In the evening they talked about the final preparations for their wedding.

"You've put a lot of effort into these few days in Valhalla. I'm sure our wedding will be wonderful. And I look forward to seeing your dress, my Beautiful," he said, smirking. Atropos laughed. "None of this would have been possible without my mother and sisters." Hades stood up, took her hands and said, "Come, let's go to the garden. I want to give you something." Atropos raised her eyebrow. "Give me something?'ve given me so much already...." Hades smiled and took her in his arms. "Don't worry. It's just a little something." he replied and winked.

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