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Introducing Winona Ryder as Dr Juliette Johnson:

Introducing Winona Ryder as Dr Juliette Johnson:

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Juliette leaves the lab to bring a file Chief Dooley asked for to his office. She walks into the bullpen and up to Chief's office door. She raises her hand to knock but the file in her other hand is snatched away by a certain blonde asshole.

"What we got here?" Thompson asks with a smirk, flicking through the file.

"A file" She says softly,reaching for it back but he raises it higher. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she reached up for it.

"Why so quiet,love?" Jack's smirk widens, thinking about how cute her face looked when she's annoyed.

She looks at him pleadingly and he hands it back to her after a second.

She turns back to the chiefs door and knocks, entering when he says and closing the door behind her.

Jack watches her through the window as she hands Chief the file. She looked so innocent sometimes, like a small cat or something. A part of him just wanted to hold her close and run his hands through her hair, tell her its all alright. He finds himself still staring when she exits the office. He tails her as the attempts to go back to the lab.

"Why are you following me?" She asks, turning on her heel to face Jack,who couldn't stop that fast and almost topples into her.

"Why are you walking away?" He quips, his tongue running along his lower lip as he looks her up and down.

Respectable | Jack Thompson X OCWhere stories live. Discover now