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"Ju, this is Agent Peggy Carter of the strategic scientific reserve, Peggy this is Dr Juliette Johnson" said a preserum Steve Rogers.

"Nice to meet you Dr Johnson" Agent Carter said, holding put her hand to the woman.

"Juliette" She corrects as she reaches her out for Peggy's hand and shook it with a smile.

"So you're a doctor?" Peggy asked curiously.

"Scientist, but yeah" Juliette responded with a small nod.

The two shared a smile but Steve's was wider. He liked Peggy, as a friend of course, Juliette was like a sister to him, he was happy his two worlds could meet.


After overhearing Thompson and Chief Dooley's plan for Spider Raymond's club, Peggy payed her friend in the labs a visit.

"Peg!" Juliette said happily, setting down the file she was going over and hugged her friend.

"Hey Jules, could I need a favour. A big one" Peggy whispered as she returned the hug.

"Sure what's up?" Juliette asked but Peggy grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hall into the ladies room.

Since they're the only two female agents they essentially get it all to themselves.

"Look, I need you to get Agent Thompson to take you to la Martinique tonight"

"What?! Why?" Juliette felt the colour rise to her cheeks and her voice cracking as she spoke.

"Please just do this for me. I need this one thing, I beg you. Just distract him"

"Peg, I don't understand why"

"Because he obviously has feelings for y-"

"First things first, he does not. Secondly, I meant why does he need distracting?"

Peggy sighs and puts her hands on the girls shoulders "Please can you do this for me? Just keep Thompson distracted and I'll try get Dooley to let you on a field mission"

At this, Juliette's head perked up. She'd been wanting to go on a field mission for so long. Peggy wasn't sure if she could do it but she was desperate to help Howard.

Howard had asked Peggy not to tell Juliette because knew she was bad at keeping secrets. But Peggy trusted her, and even though she couldn't tell her why, she hoped that Juliette could help her with her mission.

"Fine. I'll try. But that's all I can promise"

"Thanks, Jules." Peggy hugs her and the two leave the restroom.

"Why do women always go to the bathroom in groups?" Agent Krzeminski scoffed as he saw the two brits walk out.

Peggy rolled her eyes and walked into the bullpen with Juliette trailing behind.

"Peggy I can't do this" She says in a panic.

"It's alright, Jules, just uh" She pauses to think "flirt with him or something"

Juliette gives her a desperate look "I don't know how to flirt!"

"Just try okay?" Peggy gives her a reassuring look and takes her arm, releasing her right next to Agent Thompsons desk.

He looks up at Juliette just as she's giving Peggy a desperate look and says "You alright there, Johnson?"

He watches as she nervously laughs and turns to face him "Uh yes I-I'm good how about uh about you?" He found it cute how she stammered over her words.

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