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They came round the corner to find a blonde woman-Dottie- standing over none other than Peggy Carter, though now passed out on the floor.

"Hey!" Barked Thompson "Is that Peggy Carter?"

"Miss, for your own safety, stand back" Daniel ordered and Juliette went over, taking Dottie's arm.

"Oh, gosh, Jules! You're a sight for sore eyes. Hey Mister can you help?" Dottie turned to the men behind Juliette as she had her arm on her shoulder "I think my friend Peggy must have fainted"

"Careful" Jack muttered, pointing the gun at Peggy, still lying on the floor.

Daniel crouched down, shaking her wrist "She's out"

Jack and Daniel share a look then Jack looks at Juliette, now standing with Dottie, her arm around her shoulders.

"What happened?" Jules asks Dottie.

"Oh I don't know I just found her like this" She looked worried and her tone matched that but something behind her eyes made Juliette wonder why she was feeling off about this.

"Jack, a little help?" Sousa turned to Jack.

"Want me to help?" Jules asks but Jack shakes his head.

"I got it don't worry"  Jack puts his gun away and helps Daniel sit her up. Jack starts to put handcuffs on her.

"Jack, are they necessary?" Juliette sighed "She's unconscious"

"Trust me. We need them" Jack deadpan expression reflecting in his tone.

"Oh gosh I hope she's okay. Should I call an ambulance?" Dotty held a hand to her chest and Juliette put a hand on her back.

"Thank you miss, we'll take care of it from here" Daniel looked up at the blonde.

"Don't worry, Dot. She'll be okay" Juliette reassured her.

"Grab her pocket book, Jules" Jack nodded to her and she did as he said.

She picked it up and she felt her body tense when she realised what it must be. Steve's blood.


Juliette tried to follow Jack and Sousa into the interrogation room but Jack stopped her.

He took her hand and pulled her into the hall, telling Sousa to wait for him.

"Jack! Please she's my friend! I really want to-" she was cut off in a way that shook her to her very core.

Jack kissed her.

His lips meeting hers in a sweet embrace, his hands slowly wrapping around her waist as they continue to kiss.

She found herself kissing back, not sure what else to do with her arms she pulled him closer by his breaches.

When he finally pulled away he smiled but she stared into space like her world was crashing down. She brought her right hand up to her lips while her other still rested on his chest over his breaches.

"Wow, I finally shut up Juliette Johnson did I?" He smirked, making her hit his arm with a small laugh.

He let out a sigh of relief, she didn't react negatively, she was even blushing a little.

"I still wanna talk to Peggy" Jules crossed her arms and looked up at Jack.

"Nope. Sorry, you're not an agent I'm not letting you-"

"Oh Jack you got lipstick on you" she interrupted.

"Oh thanks-" he looked in the reflection of the door behind her but she walked past and into the interrogation room, Jack followed and soon did Dooley.

Respectable | Jack Thompson X OCWhere stories live. Discover now