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Juliette walked up to the bullpen pretending to get coffee but really watching Ivchenkov, Peggy, Jack and Dooley all talk in Dooley's office.

Dooley drags her out into the bullpen and Jules listens to them argue from the coffee station. But she isn't really listening. She finds herself staring at Jack through the window of the office.

Chief paused when he went to return to his office "Johnson? Why aren't you in the lab?"

"Thought I'd get you some coffee" She answered a little too quickly but he shrugged it off and let her come into the office.

She handed Dooley a mug of coffee and one to Agent Thompson. "Would you like one Doctor?" She asked Ivchenkov who shook his head "Alright then, back to the lab" She gave Dooley a nod and a smile to Jack and left for the lab.

Her and Jack had been getting on better since Russia. The two found some level of mutual respect after the mission, the two got each other coffee, got drinks together and got lunch together sometimes. It was as if they'd never resented each other in the first place.


Later on that day, Juliette made her way up to the bullpen again. She saw Agent Yauch looking annoyed as he walked away from Thompson's desk.

Jules went over to him, sitting on the desk next to where he sat "What did you do to annoy Yauch?"

"Nothing" He smiled up at her only to meet her frown.

She watched as Sousa went over to Chief's office and came out, calling Jack over.

"Seems you're needed Agent"

"Seems so" he pats her back and leaves with Dooley and Sousa, leaving Juliette confused at Jack's desk.

She picks up some pens from his desk, putting them in the pot but she spots a picture frame in the corner face down. She picks it up only to see herself staring back. She couldn't remember when it was taken or when he'd of had the chance to take it. But he had it none the less.

 But he had it none the less

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"Listen up" Jules heard Dooley's voice so she listened from the bullpen doorway "I need agents at New York Municipal, Newark Metropolitan and Grand Central Station" He barked to the room "I want every bus stop, train station, Dock, airport,every last trolley wallpapered with pictures of Peggy Carter. She is now a fugitive and will be brought to justice or else every last one of you will be demoted to grade-school Hall moniter. Is that clear?"

A chorus of yes,sir's were the response. Jules just stood their, dumbfounded by the revelation. She stopped Yauch as he followed Ivchenkov and Dooley into the briefing room,catching his arm.

"What's going on?"

"Peggy was helping Howard the whole time" He mumbled "I take it you didn't know?"

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