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Juliette stared at the picture as she bit into her sandwich again.

"Hi. Its been a little while hasn't it?" She spoke to the image. It was silly, she knew that, but it was the closest she could get to talking to them again.

"It's weird without you guys. I had a life before I met you but it never felt like I was living. When I met you it was like all the pieces fell into place. Like I had people who cared, not because they had to, because they wanted to. Because you liked me. And then you left." She took a shakey breath as she continued "You left." She repeated quietly "I'm sure you didn't want to go, it wasnt your ideal situation I know, but it's never going to be the same, is it? I mean, I still see the Barnes' sometimes, my brother actually moved back to England-Kevin sends letters sometimes but not often. Sometimes I think about going back to England, Mum and Dad still there, Pricilla never left and Kev went back. But if I leave new york, it's like leaving the one connection I got left with you guys. You guys were my everything, you know that right? And you went and got killed" She scoffed amd laughed softly as the tears stinging her eyes glided down her cheeks "I'm not mad at you for dying, I'm mad at me for surviving. I'm just mad I think."

She paused, taking a bite of her food. "I wonder what we'd be doing. I'd take you guys to that diner you liked. I hate that place but I'd do whatever if it meant that-" her words caught in her throat and tears blurred her vision "if I meant that I could have you back. I'd do anything to have you back. To make you happy. I just need you guys here. With me. Can we arrange that?" She smiled through her tears as she looked at the picture. "I love you,guys"


Juliette walked into the bar, the eyes of every guy suddenly baring into her soul. Thankfully she watched as Peggy walked out a room and the attention was split.

"Agent Carter" Juliette smiles as she nears "Do you know where Rogers and Barnes are?"

"They're just through there" She points behind her and Juliette nods in appreciation.

She looked at Peggy's red dress, her eyes wandering. She looked amazing, if she was a man she'd definitely make a move (A/N-the closet is made of glass gurl)

"You look good, Peg. Red suits you" Juliette smiles at her.

"Thanks" Peggy responded with a matching smile "Blue suits you too"

"Thanks Peg" She laughed nervously and looked down at her own dress to hide her red face. Simple dark blue dress with a sweetheart neckline. She'd actually attempted at doing her hair and it was curled slightly. She thought it looked good, she hoped Peggy agreed.

After Peggy left Juliette walked into the area Peggy said Steve and Bucky would be.

The two men were huddled together having a seriously conversation.

"But seriously, maybe Peggy has a friend for you"Steve said smugly to Bucky, patting his back.

"I'm Peggy's friend, why does Bucky need me?" Juliette said, making both guys jump and turn to face her.

She watched as Buckys face got redder and Steve gave him a look that Juliette couldn't read.

"You alright, Jules?" Bucky asked, moving up one seat and letting her sit in the middle.

"Yeah I'm good. Who were you talking about?" She sits down and sips Bucky's drink.

"No one, don't worry, doll" Bucky took his drink back, patting Juliette's shoulder then putting his arm around her.

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