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Juliette walks downstairs at the griffith only to see Angie next to a familiar face.

"Peggy?? Hi!" She says happily and goes over "You moving in?"

"Just had an interview with Miriam" Peggy gave a half hearted smile and Jules links arms with her.

"Isn't she a delight?" Juliette said sarcastically making the other two laugh a little.

"You two know each other?" Angie asked with a toothy grin.

"Co-workers and friends" Peggy said and Jules nodded.


He had to say bye. Just in case. So Bucky walked over to the tent Juliette and Peggy shared "Hey, Ju, you in h..." Bucky trails off when he sees her, half way throught putting a dress on.

"BARNES OH SHI-" she practically screamed and Bucky took that as his cue to face the other way and cover his eyes.

"Sorry. Me and Steve were just about to head out on a mission with the howlies, wanted to say bye" He breathlessly muttered. His heart was pounding out of his chest at a thousand miles per hour "Can I turn around now?"

"Yep" Jules said, buttoning up the last button on her dark green dress.

He turned to her and smiled "Beautiful"

"I'd hope so" She grinned and hugged him, her hands snaking around his waist "Stay safe. Where you off to?"

"The usual stuff, but we're jumping onto a train this time" He chuckled nervously.

"Hope you enjoy that" She smiled. Few would have noticed the tremble in her tone but he did "You're my best friend, Barnes. Don't go dying on me"

"I wouldn't dream of it. Believe it or not I like living"

Juliette dramatically gasped "No way" sarcasm dripped from her tone but not maliciously.

The two shared a smile and he buried his face into her hair, the sweet smell of her perfume was intoxicating to him.

"Don't do anything stupid" He whispered.

"I'm not Steve, don't worry" She smiled and kisses his cheek.

He pressed a lingering kiss against her forehead and closed his eyes.

"Love you, asshole" She grinned. He knew she meant platonicly but his heart yearned for it to be something more.

"I love you" He said back, pressing quick little kisses around her face, making her turn red and let out a quiet laugh "I got something to tell you when I get back" his heart sped up as he thought about confessing.

"Why not now?" She pouted stubbornly, tugging on his jacket sleeve "Pleeeeaassee"

"Nope. See you then" He kissed her forehead one last time, savouring the moment and walked out the tent.

And that was the last time she saw him.


The next day, Juliette knocked on Peggy's door. Since they worked together and now were living on the same floor, she figured she'd walk with her to work.

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