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The group all sit around the fire, making fun of Junior. He has his head leant against Juliette's shoulder as he covers his face in embarrassment.

"Shut up it was scary" Junior pouts a little and drinks from the bottle, offering it to Jules who shakes her head.

Jack looks over at the two, a faint scowl on his face but he clears his throat and sits down next to Juliette.

"So what us the difference between a Yeti and an abominable snowman?" Jack's question quietest the laughter a little.

Junior turns to him and says like its the most obvious thing in the world "One's real and one isn't" which makes the rest laugh again "What?" Junior looks around confused.

Juliette pats his back and laughs along "God I missed you guys so much"

"Missed you too, Angel" Junior teases.

"Oh God don't revive that nickname" She laughs and rolls her eyes as they brought up the nickname she hadn't heard in so long. The nickname that died with her best friend.


"How about Angel?" Dugan asked as they all sat around the bar.

"What?" She laughed as she leant against Bucky in her chair.

"You're basically a commando, let's give her a nickname, what dya say fellas?" Pinky grinned.

"Nope, not a nickname. Not for me please" she shook her head and sipped Bucky's glass of whiskey.

"But you're such an angel" Steve teased, messing her hair up.

She pouts and pushes his hand away "Can it Stevie"

The two broke in a childish chorus of mocking each other until Bucky covered both of their mouths.

"Both of you shush please"

"Fine" they whined in unison.

Bucky removed his hand "Come on Angel, lighten up"



"So I hear they have uh mermaids in Japan" Peggy turns to Jack "You see any of them when you were out there?" She eats a mouthful of beans after talking.

"Yeah, story time" Junior says like a little kid as he turns his body to face Jack, making Juliette adjust herself a little closer to Jack to make room for Junior's now position.

Jack watches Juliette while sipping from his drink, silently admiring her before snapping out of it and looking up at the rest of them "I got nothing you guys ain't heard before. Did alot of ground work, dug alot of trenches" He says flatly.

Juliette tilts her head to the side as she looks at him through her eyelashes "They don't give out Navy Crosses just for digging trenches, Thompson"

Everyone's head lifts a little to look at Jack, a thick tension in the air.

Jack inhales deeply, a little shakily Jules notices, and sucks his teeth "The Navy cross" he mutters with a sigh, taking a moment to look around then starting to talk again "Alright" He re-adjusted his position to sitting up with a sigh "1945. Tsuken Island. Nothing detail. I fall asleep on the night shift. I wake up, six Japanese soldiers walking into my camp, just waltzing in, in the dark. One of them bends down over my sleeping CO" Jack's eyes look haunted as his story continues, Staring into space as his husky voice is all to be heard "One more second, he'd slit his throat. Snapped too. Shoot him in the back. Shoot them all, before they even knew I was there. Before my last man was even awake"

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