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And that's how she found herself standing outside the locker room with Peggy.

Somehow, Peggy managed to convince Dooley to let her and Juliette to come along.

She was more excited than she'd thought she'd be, she was finally being taken on a field mission and would finally get to see the Howling Commandos again.

Unfortunately, there was only one locker room they could go into, a mens locker room.

Jack came round the corner, a few buttons untied and his tie undone around his neck.

He said words but Juliette just stood there, extremely flustered and mouth agape. She had no idea why she was so attracted to this asshole of a man but here she was.

He winked at Juliette when he saw her staring and she got embarrassed and decided a changing room for guys would be less embarrassing so she just walked in.

The guys let out groans of discomfort and more when Jack and Peggy walked in. Her and Peggy got their own side if the room, the only thing separating them being a wall of lockers. Jules just focused on getting changed, not listening to Carter or Thompson's voices or her thoughts would get carried away from her.

She was pulling in her pants, only a vest over her top half, when she saw Daniel come round the corner.

"SOUSA! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!?!?" Juliette's yell was louder than Peggy's.

Luckily she was mainly dressed but Sousa's presence made her jump.

"Found it!" Jack called out and Jules heard the snickers from the other men.

Peggy and Daniel awkwardly interacted and Jules came round the corner to Jack, Li and Ramirez.

Li and Ramirez made weird sounds of discomfort again but Jack just smirked.

"Like what you see, Johnson?"

"Jack Thompson will you ever be able to be a decent human being or are you content with your career as a professional asshole!" She scowled and yelled.

"Some people are trying to get changed here" Li scoffed and Daniel left.

She flipped the three men off and went back to Peggy.



"I'm proud of you Stevie" 92 year old Juliette croaked with a smile.

"I missed you, Jules"

"I'd hope so, you bastard" She teased. She may have been in her early 90's but she'd never stop making fun the man. "Can't believe we're 92! I think I'm looking much better than you though" She grinned slyly.

"Oh you do" Steve nodded, putting a hand over hers.

"You met up with Peg yet? I'm proud to say I whooped her ass at shuffle board"

"You haven't changed one bit, have you?" Steve tried changing the subject.

"Uh Stevie, why don't you wanna go see Peggy Weggy?" She teased again.

He hesitated before sighing, looking into Juliette's brown eyes"She got married, right?" The pain was apparent in Steve's voice.

"Steve, you kissed the girl once. I get you loved her but we all gotta move on one day. Look at me, I got married! Didn't think I ever would but I ended up marrying an asshat" She grinned and patted his shoulder as she sat up in the hospital bed.

"Careful" Steve helped her sit up but she batted his arms away.

"I am perfectly capable, Stevie"

"Whatever you say" He pressed a kiss against her now white hair "Sorry I missed your wedding"

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