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Confused by Rose's solemn attitude, Juliette went into the bullpen to see what was wrong.

She froze when she saw flowers sitting where Agent Krzeminski should be.

She saw Peggy, who matched her sad stare, and stood next to her.

"Is he..." her words caught in her throat. She looked over at Jack.

"Professional hit. Him and our only witness. Must have been watching us at the scene" Jack stared into space as he spoke,like it was a well rehearsed line.

Jules slowly walked towards him, put a hand in Jack's shoulder as a tear ran down her face. She wasn't close with Krzeminski, but no matter how much of an asshole someone is, no one deserves to have their life cut short.

Jack looked up at her silently. He'd never seen her cry, if his heart wasn't already aching it would have started to from her tears.

Peggy and Sousa spoke but Juliette couldn't hear what they were saying. She just stared at the floor.

Jack stood up from his seat and her gaze met his. She silently wrapped herself in his arms, he hugged her back.

Her tears wet his collar slightly but he just hugged her tighter, burying his face into her hair as the hug continued.

Dooley staggered out of his office, everyone's heads turning to him, Including Juliette and Jack, but she kept clinging onto him in the hug.

"Whatever happened last night, I don't want any of you to forget Krzeminski would still be with us today if it wasn't for Howard Stark. Whether he pulled the trigger or not. We're only neck deep into this mess because of him. I want action plans on my desk in one hour. Stay vigilant, I'm not loosing anymore of you." He blinked back tears as he swayed in his spot "Now I gotta go call Krzeminski's wife" and with that, Dooley went back into his office.

Juliette's head spun in her skull. Apart of her agreed, whether Howard was innocent or not, this could always be traced back to him.

"I'll call his girlfriend" Jack mumbled, sitting back down but Juliette didn't let go of him, she was a little shaken up. He picked up the phone, around around Juliette as she stood next to him, silently grieving.


"I miss you bastards" She whispered as she sat at the monument built for Steve's death.

She sat among the gift and flowers left for the great captain america.

She tidied up a little, removing any dead flowers or dampened stuffed bears and then sat at Steve's grave.

It'd been 3 months since he'd died. She could now successfully hear his name without bursting into tears but other than that she still had a hole in her heart that her best friends left.


Juliette walked in and over to Agent Yauch's desk "Here's prints we pulled that you asked for"

"Thanks" He grumbled and took them.

The thick air of grief still hung in the office air in Krzeminski's absence, it had most people in a choking on their own misery whereas fueling others anger.

Peggy had just walked in so she started to go over to her but was interrupted by Thompson coming out of Dooley's office.

"Gather round. Come on." He barked.

Everyone came around him in a circle, Juliette stood behind Yauch as they listened to Jack talk.

"Okay, who here knows what Ray Krzeminski's middle name was?"

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