Boyfriends ♥︎

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Hugo stood in front of a mirror he was nervous,his feelings for Varian were overtaking him he couldn't handle them being hidden so today he was going to ask him on a date or well Nuru told Varian to wait for him at some shop they knew.

Hugo pushed back a hair,scared he took in a breath and opened the door to see Varian and Nuru outside leaning on a wall "Heya blondie!" Varian smiled Nuru mouthed 'he refused to go without you' Hugo just nodded "Hey Goggles.." Hugo rubbed the back of his neck nervous "Hey guys im gonna get something stay here" Nuru dashed off without another word.

"So Varian I uh.." Hugo built up the courage "Hm?" Varian Tilted his head slightly making Hugo go red "I- Uh...So.. hm..I- you-" Hugo was a mess he was Crimson his stuttering was unexplainable Hugo felt like he was going to Explode Varian stepped forward.

Hugos eyes scattered around as Varian got closer once more Hugo saw Nurus head along with Yongs around the corner "What's Wrong Hugo?" Varian asked getting closer once more.

Hugo gulped and looked down at Varian "Goggles I-" Hugo was cut off by Varian Grabbing Hugo's shirt Collar pulling him down to his level and kissed him Hugo's eyes widened Varian then separated Hugo was a brighter red than a fresh tomato.

Varian looked down "Sorry" Varian Mummbled "Don't be I liked it" Hugo blurted out then covered his mouth with his hands making Varian go a dark red "You what?" Varian looked up at Hugo "I-Uh..GOTTA GO" Hugo then ran away leaving a Red,Confused and sad Varian behind.

Hugo ran around the corner Nuru and Yong were watching from "Hugo you can't do that!" Nuru Growled hitting Hugo on the head "Sorry! I Panicked.." Hugo sighed "Poor boy is still stood there looking at the ground" Nuru sighed peaking round the corner "Go" Yong pushed Hugo back around the corner Hugo glared at Yong then looked at Varian who was staring at him.

Nuru and Yong Gave Hugo Thumbs up and Hugo took in a breath and walked back "Varian I'm sorry...i was scared" Hugo gulped Varian was silent words couldn't describe how he felt right now.

"I like.. No I Love you Varian" Hugo Cupped Varians face in his hands looking him in the eyes "You Love me?" Varian was in shock "Yes I do Varian I Hugo Rottewage Love You" Hugo chuckled smiling "I Love you too Hugo" Varian was able to say that before Hugo kissed him.

"will you be my boyfriend?" Varian asked his heart pounding against his chest "Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" Hugo grabbed Varian and spun him around in the air Hugo then put Varian down and held his hand "I love you Hugo" Varian smiled sweetly "I love you Varian" Hugo responsed.

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