whats changed?

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"Hey Goggles" Hugo leaned against the wall smirking "What is it Hugo?" Varian asked looking through blue prints he made for a new robot "What's changed about me?" Hugo asked Varian then looked up "Uh your glasses?" Varian lifted his goggles up.

"no..try again" Hugo rolled his eyes "Your hair?..." Varian squinted "No! Try again" Hugo exclaimed "Your attitude?" Varian scoffed "Try again" Hugo rolled his eyes "uh I don't know?" Varian said and looked back to his blue prints "What's changed then?" Varian asked.

"nothing I Just wanted your attention!" Hugo giggled and winked at Varian,Varian went red "you should of just asked" Varian Grinned and put down his blue prints "Well that wouldn't have been better" Hugo shrugged.

"True" Varian Giggled "Can I have a kiss?" Hugo smiled "Well am I a Alchemist?" Varian blushed with a smile "Yes" Hugo cupped Varians face in his hands "then that's your awnser" Varian said before Hugo kissed him they then stood their hugging.

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