Army Love♡

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[♡]...VARIANS POV...[♡]

I walked outside my heavy armor and different weapons making little noise I wore a skull mask my blue eyes glaring at Hugo,Our newest recruit,He stared back at me I rolled my eyes and jumped in the truck Hugo followed behind me sitting opposite me I crossed my arms as I sat in a masculine position.

A few more recruits came in "Hey Who's he?" Hugo asked the person beside him "Oh that's Varian Hes one of the coldest here but we call him Var sometimes" The person shrugged "Ah alright" Hugo then turned looking back to me we held eye contact,his green eyes scorching down into my soul.

I didn't dare to look away I just adjusted my position I then blinked and the person beside me was now opposite me and Hugo next to me I huffed quietly his leg touching mine he then put his hand on my thigh my pupils dilated to small dots on looked at him.

He smirked at me and tightened his grip I felt myself turn red under my mask and turned away before Hugo put a arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey Varian~.." Hugo mummbled to me as everyone else was talking with each other I just kept my eyes on the ground "Princess?" Hugo whispered "M-Mhm.." I looked over..Fuck why was I breaking!? "You don't seem to cold after all..Do you Darling?.." Hugo smirked.


I sat down by myself my mask was off my experiment scars across my face were not easy to miss..i was quite insecure about my face ones they look like I was burnt by a fire yet I learnt to live with the disgusting looks and Vile comments from people.

I stared at the food on my metal try I sighed before getting scared by Hugo sitting opposite me I got startled as he spoke "I can see why you wear the skull thing" Hugo chuckled,I scoffed and got up to go and grabbed my tray but before I could take another breath Hugo stopped me by jumping up.

"sorry! Can you just sit?" Hugo apologized I glared at him and shook my head and sat down Hugo smiled sitting as well "sorry" Hugo said again looking at his food I was hesitant to actually speak but I did.."Whatever" my voice was blunt and cold.

Most of the others around us began to stare "Got a girlfriend?" Hugo asked "There's this one girl who does flirt with me but she's not my type" I shrugged "She's like so whatever you can do so much better,I think we should get together now" Hugo smirked yet seemed serious.

"I want to be your boyfriend" Hugo looked me dead in the eyes "Hey I don't like her,No way,I want to be your boyfriend" Hugo glared at the girl coming towards us,This guy seemed desperate.

"Hey Hugo hey Varian" Nuru grinned,Hugo went dead serious and almost Jealous?.. "something wrong?..." Nuru was scared she did something wrong "It's all good Nuru He was just.." I didn't want to out him really.. "talking with me" I finished "Ahh alright by the way My girlfriend said Hi in the post" Nuru smiled.

"Oh tell her I said hi back" I smiled slightly After Hugo heard Nuru had a girlfriend He changed moods quicker than I can run..Odd..I guess he is sorta hot..

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