Day of Hearts

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I was walking through Corona seeing all the happy couples,Today was the day of hearts I wasnt dating anyone so I always felt a bit jealous "Hey Goggles" Hugo came from behind me "AH!" I fell and the felt Hugo grab my arm "Careful sweet cheeks I might not be here to catch you next time" Hugo winked at me.

I went red as I slowly stood back up "Red faced there goggles" Hugo smirked "Oh shove off Hugh" I rolled my eyes "When I'm dead" Hugo chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we began to walk again "Hey raps!" I waved "Oh hey Varian!" She beamed.

"so you finally got someone for the day of hearts?" Eugene put on a smug face "Wh-" I was cut off "Yep me" Hugo still held that smirk I went a darker red and looked at him in the corner of my eye and he was already looking at me "Damn it! I just lost 50 silver coins to Cass" Eugene crossed his arms "You seriously bet on me!?" I scoffed.

"whatever let's go" I rolled my eyes and dragged Hugo away.

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