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I was playing electric guitar as well as singing Goggles was my drums "Don't you say.." I Sang out my crowd going wild "SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND RUN ME LIKE A RIVER!" I went down on the guitar rough.

Girls screaming throwing roses up at me "Can't change the way we are" I smirked and turned my full view to goggles my head in his direction he glared at me from the corner of his eyes smirking "LIKE A RIVER,LIKE A RIVER, SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND RUN ME LIKE A RIVER" My fans sang along with me.

I was in my dressing room I heard a knock "Come in" I said sitting down "Nice performance Blondie" Goggles said shutting the door behind him "Why thanks Freckles" I winked making him go red.

"Whatever I'll be going then" Goggles then turned About to leave "Why don't you stay a bit?" I smirked and stood up "So what you can Make fun of me yeah no" Goggles scoffed grinning "I was thinking something different but I can make fun of you Darling" I said and hugged him from behind wrapping my arms around his waist.

"W-What did you have in mind?" goggles Stuttered "maybe a kiss or two" I said "If you insisit" Goggles turned around and stood on his tippy toes to kiss my cheek "You really are short" I chuckled "shove off Or else I won't give you more" Goggles crossed his arms.

"aw cmon then just another one" I picked him up he wrapped his legs around my waist "Better" Goggles grinned we then kissed and turned into making out we heard a knock but ignored it.

The door then opened and we separated quickly "Uh.." It was out manager we both went a dark red "Some fans have back stage passes if they are allowed in.." our manger didn't look at us "Oh yeah" I put Goggles down carefully "Right.." Our manager then left to go get the people.

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