The Cute Waiter

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I walked into a coffee shop and sat down my friend was coming soon I heard the door of the shop open and looked behind me seeing my friend she sat down with me "Hey Hugo!" Nuru smiled "Hey Nuru" I grinned.

Suddenly a waiter came over with two menus he was on roller skates wearing the Shops logo "Here are your menus il be back in a bit but in the meantime any drink I can start for you guys?" The waiter grinned I looked at his name tag 'Varian' so that was his name.

I had also just noticed he had this Raven black hair with an Vibrant Blue Stripe "Could I just have a coke please?" Nuru asked "Of course you can Lovely and for you?" He turned to me "Il just have the same" I shrugged "Alright lovelys il go get that for you" Varian smiled he seemed so enthusiastic.

We nodded and the boy skated away humming "I bet I can get his number" I smirked and slammed a 20 pound note on the table "I doubt it" Nuru scoffed "Just watch me" I held my smirk the waiter came back "Here are you drinks guys two cokes" Varian handed us our drinks.

"Thanks Darling" I winked at him making him go red "H-Have you thought of anything you wanted to eat?" Varian Asked Avoiding the moment "Can I just have a cookie?" Nuru asked "Of course lovely which kind?" Varian asked "Just a normal one thank you" Nuru smiled.

"alright and you?" Varian turned to me "Can I also have a cookie and your number?" I asked "Sorry sure but my number isint for free" He smirked "il bring your food out when it's ready Lovelys" Varian then left chuckling "what does that mean?" I asked I was confused.

"oh my god did you just get his number?" nuru Chuckled "I don't know!" My jaw was dropped in confusion "Oh my days watching you freak out is so funny" Nuru Wiped away a tear from how bad she was laughing.

The boy came back with two cookies "here we are two cookies" Varian said and placed the two cookies in front of each of us "And Here is something that you wanted" Varian placed a piece of paper with what I'm guessing was his number on it.

He then leant down and kissed my cheek making me go a dark red "Il call you later" He then left "I-" I was at a loss of words "Wow here you go then" Nuru handed me a 20 "I can't believe this" Nuru gasped with a grin I looked over to the boy he was Sweeping the floor he looked up and winked at me with a smile.

I looked away and just took a bite of my cookie still red "And I thought you were flirty" Nuru Was Flabbergasted "oh shut up!" I rolled my eyes.

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