The code?

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I was tied to a chair my vision slowly coming back I lifted my head up I saw a boy with crossed arms he was quite skinny he had Raven black hair with a Blue streak in his hair He had these Ocean blue eyes aimed at a Girl.

She was wearing a purple dress her hair in a bun she was talking with the boy suddenly a smaller and chubby boy came in he was eating something "Hi!" the little boy waved "Oh he's up" The older boy looked at me.

"let's get this over with" The girl walked towards me "We need the code to unlock this" She put a vault in front of my face "how should I know!?" I growled playing the act "We know you work with Donella" This was the people we were against!? God.

"Fine I do but you aren't getting it" I smirked "Tell us!" The girl crossed her arms "No" I rolled my eyes "Fine then Varian" She stepped back and Varian stood forward "Whats the code blondie" He asked "D-B-T-1-9" I took in a breath "4-E-G-O-H" I finished "I got it open!" the little boy held the key.

"Thanks Blondie" Varian winked and I looked away.

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