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I sat on a bench quietly tears slowly making there way down my face I sighed before hearing Raps Come and sit next to me "Varian! You okay are you hurt?" she asked worried.

I just shook my head "No..im fine" I wiped away a tear "But your not" Raps rubbed my back "I am I Promise" I put on a little smile "Alright then I have to go" Raps waved and left I waved back then sighed when she left.

Knowing raps she is probably going to do something to cheer me up "Hey Darlin' what's wrong Love?" Hugo asked sitting next to me and put a arm around my shoulder "I guess I'm just having a bad day I woke up with a head ache it's gone now but yeah.." I sighed and leaned my head on Hugos shoulder.

"It must have been terrible at breakfast since Everyone was really loud" Hugo rubbed my arm and gave me a kiss on the forehead I just nodded "didn't sleep much either" I nuzzled into him "We can cuddle tonight yeah?" Hugo suggested.

"That would be nice.." I smiled softly "Hey how about we go to the docks?" Hugo weirdly suggested "Why? What's at the docks?" I asked "Uh..How about we just go" Hugo chuckled nervously "Alright then?" We got up and Hugo blindfolded me with his hand and guided me to the docks.

We soon stopped "And open!" Hugo too his hand off from over my eyes I saw cass,Raps,Eugene,Lance and a few others "What's this?" I asked there was swords two ships and everything "Well u thought we could play a game!" raps squealed "And that game is?" I raised a brow.

"pirates!" She smiled "Alright then" I smiled back "Hugo is Team Red And Your Team Blue Hugo is Team reds captain and Your Captain is you" Eugene grinned handing us each swords with our teams coloured handle "Varian choose your first crew member!" raps grinned "Cass" Cass then walked towards me grabbing a blue handled sword "Lance" Hugo grinned as Lance grabbed a Red Handled sword.

"Eugene" I said and threw him a blue sword he struggled to catch it but he did end up grabbing it "Hookfoot" Hugo leaned on his sword "Ruddiger" I smiled as Ruddiger ran to me "Little Green frog thing" Hugo raised a brow "Max" Max then grabbed a blue sword in his mouth proudly and trotted over "Rapunzel" Raps Squealed and grabbed a sword "Head onto your boats and set sail!" Raps said and we made our ways onto our boats.

I let Eugene Steer as I cut the ropes holding the ship onto the docks "Set sail!" I yelled and our Flag raised I smirked and dragged my sword against the wooden plank floor of the ship,Ruddiger sat on my Shoulder as if my Parrot but Raccoon "Cass look through the telescope make sure they aren't trying nothing" I said "Will do Captain" We both salute and I turned to max "Max check the ship make sure none of them snuck on board" I patted him.

Max Neighed and trotted off "Eugene we all good?" I asked and jumped up a step "Something hit us!" Eugene gasped and stopped our ship I ran to the side and looked we had a little hole above the water "Crap.." I mummbled and looked up and saw them preparing another bomb "quickly move were being attacked!" I warned Ruddiger jumped off my shoulder and began to help out.

"Ay' Ay' Captain" Eugene then Started to move again yet Hugos ship began to get closer and threw a rope over onto our ship I gritted my teeth and furrowed my brows "Ruddiger Tiss tiss!" Ruddiger ran over and followed me as I went into the lower deck.

I searched through the desk in there "Kip" Ruddiger Then began to help look "I swear we need our own rope" I mummbled "Captain Red team has boarded!" Eugene yelled "Distract them while I do this!" I yelled back and hit the table "Trying!" Eugene yelled.

I felt Ruddiger tap my leg "Did you find it buddy?" I looked down and grinned seeing Ruddiger holding a rope "Good boy such a good boy!" I exclaimed and grabbed the rope And gave him a treat then ran back up I gasped I saw my team tied up but also Hugos team tied up "Get him Hugo!" hookfoot Yelled

Just me and Hugo left I gripped the ropes tightly "One of us will leave successful one wont" Hugo grinned "And I think I know who will win" I pointed my sword at Hugo,Hugo copied "Try not to get hurt Doll" Hugo Tightened his grip.

"Ruddiger Ep Ep" Ruddiger then ran off trying to free my team Hugo then quickly swiped a slash to me but I guarded myself by putting my sword infront of me the weight was hard to keep off I heard something click I looked down and Hugo had stolen one of my Smoke bombs "Hey!" I then threw his sword out of his hand and pointed my sword at his face.

Hugo smirked "Put it back" I growled through gritted teeth Hugo then slowly put the smoke bomb back "I guess we know who wins" I grinned "If you win I won't Kiss you for a week if I win we can do whatever you want whenever you want" Hugo Smirked "Yeah right" I scoffed smirking and rolled my eyes.

I then pushed him to the ground "Hey-" I covered his mouth with my hand and leant down to whisper in his ear "Let me win and we make out later" I whispered and watched Hugo go a dark red "Finish him Shorty!" Eugene yelled "deal" Hugo whispered I then raised my sword facing the sky "Now I have a flag to get" I said whilst tieng up Hugo.

/After he gets the flag\

I cut my team free then cut the red team free "Hugo stays" I said as his team went to free him they just nodded and left I then helped Hugo up and lead him down to the lower deck then cut him Free "Set sail back to the docks!" I yelled before closing the door "So,Why did you let me stay?" Hugo asked smirking.

"So we can Kiss in private" I chuckled "Aw I hoped we could have made out" Hugo acted sad "I said later silly" I laughed and hugged him around the waist my head on his chest "I know but I just wanted a kiss" Hugo cupped my face in his hands.

"that can be arranged" I grinned Hugo then pulled me into a kiss.

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