When he loves me♡

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"You know we should bring Yong here when he's back from holiday" Nuru suggested but I was to focused on this waiter..He had this unique feature.. His hair all of it was Raven black but he had this Blue hair stripe.

"Hugo are you even listening?" Nuru asked "Mhm.." I lied she then turned around and looked at the boy I was looking at "Oooo~" she smirked looking back at me "Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes,Nuru chuckled Suddenly the water made his way over to us.

I Flushed a Deep Red and Gulped once he was at our table,I read his name tag; 'Varian'...Hm..I like it..Varian then Spoke: "Have you guys thought of what you guys want to order yet?" He Seemed Polite and Sweet...

A complete opposite of me.. Nuru nodded and spoke "Can I get the Iced Latte?" she Asked And Varian grinned Showing His Crooked teeth and nodded "of course You can,And you?" he said and wrote it down on his hands before turning to me.

I felt my face go a Crimson Dark Red,He just tilted his Head with A Raised Brow and was smiling "hello?" He chuckled,I gulped and Noticed Niry was holding in  all her laughter, I turned my attention back to Varian.

"Uh..A Milkshake please" I muttered,Jesus I am down bad..."of course you can Dear! What flavor? We Have Chocolate,Strawberry and Banana" DEAR!? OH GOD I'M MELTING! "I-I u-uh...C-Chocolate..p-please?" I Stammered over my words.

He smiled and nodded and Wrote it on his hand aswell,he then shot me a wink and Left to go Get us our drinks,Nurus Jaw was Dropped I was a Hot mess- well I mean I am Hot and currently a mess right now but I meant in a different way!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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