Mug Shot

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Varian walked in With Cop Nuru behind her and Amber Varians cousin also his crime partner "Cousins eh?" Hugo grinned "How did you know?" Nuru asked and handed them something for their mug shot.

"I had them in a car chase once Both on motorcycles No helmets so very recognize-able" Hugo shrugged getting the camera ready "Hold it up idiot" Varian Looked at Amber "I'm not an idiot you are!" Amber jabbed him in the side.

"oh I will so double cross and uno reverse card you in that argument" Varian pointed a finger at the red head angrily "I swear to God Varian I will hit you!" Amber threatened "Uh" Nuru looked at Hugo "Oi!" Hugo broke the fight.

"Stay out of it Blondie!" Varian yelled "I think it's best you do stay out of it" Nuru mummbled and put a hand on Hugo's shoulder "AH-" Amber yelled as Varian wrestled her to the ground "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" Varian said and they started to fight.

Hugo grabbed Varian back Nuru grabbed amber "I'M GONNA FUCKING HIT YOU!" Varian Yelled at Hugo "Shut it Hairstripe" Hugo rolled his eyes "How about you take RedHead there to a different mug shot room" Hugo motioned to the door with his head.

"Will do" Nuru then left with amber "Do you mind!?" Varian Squirmed "Nope" Hugo smirked "Let me go Hugo" Varian said and stopped moving  and stayed dead still "Fine.." Hugo went a bit red and let him go.

"Red hm?" Varian smirked "Fuck off" Hugo went more red "look love if you give me a kiss and il let you take my mug shot" Varian smirked and leaned on the wall "What!?" Hugo looked at Varian jaw dropped.

"take or have me bite you" Varian shrugged "Fine..." Hugo sighed then walked up to Varian "You stepping on tippy toes or what?" Hugo raised a brow "I have my own way" Varian shrugged "And that i- OW-" Hugo was cut off by Varian punching him in the stomach.

Hugo bent over holding his stomach Varian kissed him and Nuru ran in "ARE YOU OKA-" Nuru stopped her self her jaw dropped Varian pulled away and rolled Hugo's hair "Hugo?-" Nuru held in laughter "NURU OH UH HELLO" Hugo quickly stood up straight extremely red.

"Seems everything is going well" Nuru chuckled and put a hand over her mouth giggling "I'm gonna go" Nuru then left "We doing this or what" Varian said already ready "R-Right" Hugo then went behind the camera And got ready.

Varian smirked "And Turn to your left" Hugo said and Varian did as told "And your right" Hugo spoke Varian turned to his right "And done" Hugo mummbled.

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