nine :P

49 4 35

brutal - Olivia Rodrigo

"Do you have Izzy's location?" Tommy asked, walking into the room in a panicked state.

"Yeah why?' I asked, pulling out my phone to check her- and it's turned off. "Scratch that, she turned off her location."

"Fucking hell." He said, tugging at the ends of his hair.

"What? What?" Jack asked, looking at him with mass amounts of concern.

"She's run the fuck off!" He exclaimed. He grabbed a few things from her room and walked out.

"You can't just drop a bomb like that and run, Tom!" I yelled, following after him.

"Yeah!" Jack yelled. I turned to look at him and he shrugged. Tommy stopped in his tracks as his phone pinged.

"Lets go Will." Tommy said, throwing on a jacket and slipping his shoes.

"Simons, tell her she comes with me when you bring her back." Her mom had the audacity to say.

Tommy looked straight at her, a glint in his eyes. "Fuck you." He spat before leaving.

"Will-" She tried, she was mistaken in that one.

"Nope." He said, throwing up a hand and exiting. Me and jack followed, completely barefoot besides socks but so here for the drama. Will took Joe's car and he absolutely sped to Izzy's location that Tom somehow managed to get ahold of.

There was only one person that could have access to that in the midst of all of this.

And I knew this was not gonna end well.

We arrived and saw Izzy absolutely having a breakdown in the car. Tommy got in the car first. She put up a fight but managed to get into the back seat with him.

"Jack, go drive them since its my car." He said, looking down at his phone. Jack and I got into the other car and drove that back to Will's flat.

"Why is she still fucking here?' Izzy sobbed as she saw the car still parked int he driveway. She stormed her way in the house and Jack and I decided it was best to stay in the car this time, let them have it out without being the side characters just watching shit go down.

"We should go on another date." Jack said out of fucking nowhere. He really loved the whole surprise me with his words thing because what?

"When did we go on the first, Manifold?" I laughed.

"The rollerskating date, duh." He said with a smile.

"Guess that would be a date. I guess we can go on another then." I said, acting like I didn't care.

I did, he's pretty cool.

"You guess?' He asked, looking at me like I was crazy. We heard the car door slam next to us and watxhed rhe car zoom zoom out of this bitch.

"Think it's safe?" Jack asked, looking at me.

"Maybe?" I asked, looking back. He turned off the car and we walked inside.

"You can't just run off like that, Bella!" Tommy yelled.

"I did what the fuck I had to do!" Izzy yelled back.

I looked at Jack and he read my mind.

Was not safe.


"Scaring the fuck out of everyone?! You don't even have your license! You could've gotten fuckig pulled over! The fuck would we have done then?!"

"Bailed me out of jail I guess!" Izzy said, throwing her arms up, "For someone who defends Asterin time and time again for every damn things she does you seem to hate it when I do the same!"

"That's fucking different and you know it!"

"How?! How the fuck is it different?! Tom, you don't even fucking realize how hypocritical you're being right now!"

"I want a sandwich." Jack whispered, walking into the kitchen. I stifled a laugh and followed him.

"You were driving illegally and emotionally! It's so fucking unsafe!"

"Does Asterin not do the same damn thing?! Last time I checked I've driven illegally in America because she was teaching me!"

"Asterin doesn't try to get herself killed, Izzy!"

"News fucking flash, she fucking does because it's how she makes the pain go the hell away because the adrenaline replaces the pain! Maybe know the person you defend with your damn entirety! Maybe I should start calling you Ranboo because all you're doing right now is acting like him!" Izzy screamed.

"Damn, get his ass, Izzy." Jack whispered. I slapped a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. Will apparently heard and did the same thing because he was struggling from across the room.

"Fuck you, dude." Tommy said, walking out of the room and down the hallway.

"Fuck you too, dude." She mocked, flipping off where he walked.

"Needed some popcorn for that." I whispered, taking Jack's sandwich and taking a bite.

"That's fucking mine!" He laughed out.

"Mine now fucker." I said, walking off with the sandwich.

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