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As I pulled up to Jimin's house, I was just a complete wreck. Like what has changed between and hope? Like what the fuck happened? We were deeply in love and never had an issue. Why does it feel like she did something and is accusing me for everything. Did she cheat? Have I been there bad as a boyfriend?

I'm just really confused.

I turned the car off and got out only taking my toothbrush, toothpaste, a set of clothes and my sneakers. I walked the pathway to Jimin's apartment which was on the second floor.

Knocking on the door until it beeped open.

"Dude.. you okay?" Jimin asked

"Do I look okay to you?" I asked

He just shook his head and moved to the side for me to come in. The place still stayed the same. Why the fuck did I move in with her? I could still be living here and having piece and quiet.

"You know, you can just move back in. Your name is on half of this lease. Why would you go find another place?" Jimin asked

I sat on the sofa with a beer in my hand which I just got from the fridge. Snapping the top off as I took a sip of the bitter liquid.

"If I moved back in, she would come here. I rather find a place where I haven't lived at" I said

Jimin already had a beer in his hand and sat next to me.

"So what the fuck happened?" Jimin asked

"It's a long story" I said

"I don't got nothing to do tomorrow and I'm off from work. So I got all the time. You know I'm a night owl anyways." He said

I took another sip of the beer and placed it on the coaster of the table. I took a deep breathe and told him everything that happened.

When the arguments started, her acting like a major bitch, accusing me, just fucking everything. And by the look on his face he was even shocked at her.

For Christ sake, I'm 30 years old and I'm dealing with high school arguments. Like were adults now. All this arguments and shit are what you have in school. Not now.

"What the fuck? Are you serious?" Jimin asked

"Dead ass serious. That's why I can't move back in cause she'll cause nothing but trouble." I said "shes been blowing up my phone since I left"

"Let me see" Jimin said

I got my phone out of my pocket and typed in the code. Which was the day I asked her to be my girlfriend. Pulling up the message that she's been writing me to and handed it to him.

Jimin read out the messages she wrote to me.

-Where the fuck are you?-

-Answer your god damn phone-

-Your a real piece of shit after walking out 12 years together-


-Jungkook baby please answer-

-How could you do this to me?-

-I miss you bunny-

"What the fuck? Is she bi polar?" Jimin asked

"I swear she is... " I said shaking my head

My phone started vibrating again and Jimin handed the phone back to me. My thumb went hovered over the end call button.

"You better not answer it" Jimin said

"Wasn't going to anyways" I said clicking the end button.

"So what are you going to do now?" Jimin asked

"Well first thing tomorrow I'm going to Xero Mobile tomorrow and seeing if I can change my number" I said

"Good choice. Then hopefully she'll leave you alone" he said

"I might as well change my whole identity so she won't recognize me" I joked

We chatted a bit having maybe about 3 beers I was so exhausted from all the events that occured today.

"Do I need to show you to your room?" Jimin asked

I laughed and just shook my head.

"I think I remember where it was" I laughed

"Goodnight jk if you need anything let me know" he said

"Night chim" I said

I got to my old room and I see that Jimin hasn't cleaned out my room. My poster, some of my action figures and some pictures that I had left behind were still in there place.

One picture was me and hope. I was holding her and we were looking at each other. Smiling. It was a candid shot that my sister took. It was actually one of my favorites.

I held it in my hand and threw it in the crash.

"Memories aren't always going to last forever." I said "They all turn into ash when it's not meant to be"

I did my nightly routine and hopped in my bed. I looked up at the ceiling and thought about everything. I erased everything in my mind about her.

"A bad relationship is like standing on broken glass, if you stay you will keep hurting. If you walk away, you will hurt but eventually, you will heal."

A quote my dad always told me. He knew about me and Hope's relationship. He even saw her changing and how all we did was argue. I should've listen to him when he told me to leave her months ago.

"Maybe starting fresh would be good for me. I'll probably find someone who will mend my broken heart. And actually show me love that I deserve" I said to myself.

I will be able to sleep for once. If I were to sleep next to her, it would just be a nightmare. Our relationship was toxic. And it was always her starting the issue. I did everything for her and she never cared.

I never hit or cheated on her. Just showered her with kisses and my love. What did I do wrong? Was I too much?

Nah, that's what a man does to show his girl how much he loves her.

I treated her like a fucking princess...

And this is what I get in return?

Well it's her loss... Maybe I will find someone better.

And it won't be Hope.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Fight for Love 21+ J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now