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I pulled up into my apartment. Dreading to get out of my fucking car. I thought I'd be happy but I guess fucking not..

Everyone just wants to destroy me. My heart. I can't trust not one fucking person.

Only my best friends.

And to think I thought Jess wasn't a sneaky conniving bitch. I totally was wrong. And she's best friends with Hope?

I sure pick the good ones... Syke! I attract the psycho bitches.

I got out of my car and slowly walked to my apartment. Standing in front of the doors and I can hear her fake ass voice singing. Pots and pans banging and loud ass music.

She sounds like a dying cat.

The front door was unlocked and I always told her to lock the door. But I don't care at this moment. I wish someone would just kidnap her and take her lying fake ass out of my life.

And my dumb fucking self proposed to her.

Way to go Jungkook...

I should've listened to Jimin before when he told me he didn't trust her. But I was so fucking blind that I ignored him.

As I walked into my apartment, I took off my shoes and put my keys on the hook. Jess comes around and runs towards me hugging me tight.

I didn't even hug her back. My hands were down.

"Baby I missed you! How was tonight with the boys?" She asked

"Fine" I said

Pushing off of me as I walked past her not even a glance or a word coming out of me. I walked into my bedroom and stripped my clothes off.

Turning the shower on and making it extremely hot so it can melt my skin. Making it feel like hell where everyone that fucked me over should go.

Jess comes in and sits on the counter watching me in the shower.

"I made your favorite" she said

"I'm not hungry" I said

"Did you eat at the bar?" She asked

No answer.

I turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around my hips. Jess tried taking it off of me but I yanked her away.

As soon as I got into the room I pulled out my suitcase and started packing my clothes.

"Where are we going?" She asked

I glanced at her and she stepped back seeing that my stare was cold as ice.

"We? Ha! There isn't a we... I'm moving out so you can enjoy this house to yourself" I growled

"What?" She asked. "Jungkook what's wrong?"

I ignored her as I continued to pack my stuff. Went to my closet and put on one of my black tshirts. Walking to the dresser taking out my boxers and basketball shorts. Taking every article of clothing I have and putting it in the suitcase.

"Jungkook! Answer me" she started to fake cry.

"Stop fucking faking it. I know what the fuck your doing. You can lie to my face all you want Jess... But I'm not believing it. I'm not telling you where I'm going. So you can RAT to your fucking best friend." I yelled

Jess just stood there in shock... She knew I called her out.

"Yeah I fucking know everything. You're a conniving rat fake ass bitch. So I take back everything I fucking said to you. I pawned your ring and every fucking shit I gave you. Your fucking just like her! Have a happy life with HOPE and fucking Taehyung!" I yelled

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