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"Come on Jungkook you can do better than this!"

"Right... Left"



"That's it!"

"One more time"

"Upper cut"

"Done! Good job"

I sat in the corner catching my breath. Sweat dripping down my forehead and on my chest. Exhaustion is all I feel... Numb...

"What's going on with you boy? You're not doing as good today as you did last week"

I looked at my coach as he was talking to me but I didn't hear anything. My ears are ringing.

"Jungkook? Are you even fucking listening to me?"

"Yes Yoongi I am" I said out of breath

He took a seat next to me as he also wiped the sweat from his head. Eyeing me up and down looking at my state. I had too much shit on my mind I couldn't even focus.

"What's going on?" He asked handing me another water bottle.

"A lot of shit..." I said

"Hope?" He asked

"Yeah" I said putting my head down

"What's going on? Your slacking today" Yoongi said

I ran my hand through my hair and I lifted my head to look at Yoongi.

"We have been arguing." I said

"About what?" He asked

"Stupid shit like always... Last night was the worst. She threatened to leave me" I said

Yoongi didn't say a word and just stared at me.

"How about this... You use all your anger and frustration on me" he said

"And what's that going to do?" I asked

"Makes you hit harder and play better. Never be a quiter" Yoongi said patting my back

I nodded my head and slipped back on my gloves.

The argument played in my head and it sure did make me angry. I bounced up and down on my legs.

"Hit me!" Yoongi said

I started punching and kicking him harder than I ever did. I literally saw the color red.

"That's it!"

We went on for a little bit more until Yoongi decided time was up.

"That's what you needed. Good job. See you tomorrow?" Yoongi asked

"Yeah same time?" I asked taking off my gloves.

"Come a little earlier got to get you trained up" Yoongi said

I nodded my head and walked to the lockers. Grabbing my keys and wallet turning the lights off and left.

Driving back home all the shit ran through my mind.

This argument was just over me not going to her parents house. I fucking don't get it. She had to make a big fucking deal cause I didn't want too.

I finally got home and I sat in the driveway. Regretting to step foot through the front door. I took a deep breath and got up locking the car.

"Please don't be awake" I said to myself

Once I put the key into the lock and twisted it. All the lights were off. Taking off my shoes and leaving my gym bag on the floor.

I walked slowly to the kitchen but the light turned on. I closed my eyes and sighed as I knew she was waiting for me.

"Where were you?!? It's 11pm" hope said

Turning around and looked at her as she was sitting on the recliner with her arms crossed.

"I was at the gym with Yoongi Hope" I said

"Liar!" She yelled

She got up and got right in my face. I never would hit a girl but at this point I just wanted too. I had to control my anger.

"Really? If I was fucking lying call yoongi now!" I yelled

"Fine! Then I will" she said

I tsk as I see her dialing yoongi's number. She asked the question as to where I was and he told her the exact same thing.

Hope hung up the phone and looked at me.

"Your off the hook this time" she said

Another argument broke out that I was tired of this bullshit. Tired of arguing. Tired of everything.

"I'm done! I'm out! Fuck you and fuck everything else. I'm done with you hope. It's over! Have a fucking good life" I yelled

I walked to our shared room and she was still yelling at me.

"What? Are you quitting already? Your a fucking pussy Jungkook! Breaking things off over a fucking one time argument" she yelled

I looked at her

"One time? One time? Your really fucking funny hope. It's every fucking single day!!" I yelled

She kept yelling and yelling and I was ignoring everything. I grabbed my suitcase and packed up all my shit. Not even leaving anything of mine.

"Here! Keep it... Give this to your next fucking boyfriend" I yelled placing the promise ring in her hand.

"Where are you going to go huh?! You have nowhere to go. You homeless mother fucker'" she yelled

I stopped in my tracks as I grabbed the closest thing and threw it at the wall. She ducked thinking it was going to hit her.

"Have a nice life" I said

Taking one more glance at her as she crossed her arms.

"Go! Go! That's all your good at is running away" she yelled

I had all my stuff. Shoes, gym bag, suitcase everything on my shoulder and hands! I opened the door and headed straight to my car.

Throwing it all in the backseat and slamming the car door. Hope just stood there watching me.

I got into the driver's seat and started the car. Driving out of the parking lot... Flipping her off and I drove away.

My chest was hurting... I was angry... Upset all in one. 12 years down the drain. And to think I was going to fucking propose to her. I'm glad I fucking didn't.

Calling the only person that would help me out.

"Hey Jimin are you home?" I asked

"Yeah you okay?" He asked

"No, we broke up and I moved out. I just need a place to crash and I'll find a home tomorrow" I said

"Alright, I'll leave the door open. See you in a bit" he said

I hung up and started driving to Jimin's. Hope kept blowing up my phone and I ignored everything. First thing tomorrow I'm blocking her number.

Fuck you Hope

Fight for Love 21+ J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now