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It was my first day at Seoul University. Let's just say I was a nervous wreck. I literally just moved here 4 months ago from busan. I needed a new environment. It's not that I didn't like busan I just needed to explore other places. So I decided to live in Seoul with my best friend Jimin.

We both came from busan and he was running away from his parents. Jimin asked me to come with him so I did. My parents were too happy about it but they knew what type of person I was. So they both said yes.

Jimin and I just left the principal's office to get everything we need. Let's just say we were worrying about nothing. Felt like outcast. At least we had some classes together.

We went our different ways and I walked into my art class. Which I love to do as a hobby. But I had another passion and that was boxing. I opened the door to the classroom and handed the teacher my slip.

"You can take a seat right over there in the corner" she said

I started to walk to the seat when I saw this beautiful girl right next to the easel that was now my new seat.

She was absolutely beautiful, stunning, and looked like an angel. My heart was beating outside of my chest. I was sweating, nervous, and felt like I was going to throw up. So many emotions were running through me. But I had to get over it. The last time I felt this way was with my ex-girl Sofie.

Taking the seat next to her as I placed my backpack on the floor. Looking at all the material next to me. I was too busy in the zone properly fixing everything that I was comfortable with. When I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I gulped and my hands started to sweat. Turning my head and my eyes widened when it was her. Her brown long hair, plump lips, chubby cheeks, almond eyes. She was definitely an angel.

"Hi, my name is hope" she said

Her voice was sweet like honey. God how her name rolled off her tongue. I nearly fainted right there and then.

"M-My name is Jungkook" I said

Fuck did I just stuttered? Great first impression idiot.

She giggled and her beautiful white perfect teeth showed. Omg I think I just died and came back to life.

"Your cute" she giggled

My cheeks and ears turned pink and I looked away. Did she just call me cute?

The teacher started instructing and I was shaking. She moved her chair closer to me and was helping me get set up. That's when our eyes met. Her hazel eyes stared at me and I swear I saw them twinkling.

"U-um this is how you hold a paint brush" she said nervously.

I already knew how too but I couldn't even pay attention and I let her teach me.

"T-thanks" I said

After that class, I found out we had other classes together. Which was easier for me in a way. She asked me questions about where I lived and why I came to Seoul. Just basic questions to get to know someone.

Lunch came and she sat with Me and Jimin. He was even stunned that I had met a beautiful girl and that she was sitting with us on our first day.

After school ended, me and hope exchanged numbers. Just as 'friends' but I wanted something more.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Us three were best friend. We did everything together. My feelings grew everyday I was with her. If we went to go see a movie I'd pay for her ticket. Jimin would get jealous and scold me. If we had lunch, I payed for it. I was falling for this girl.

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