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We stayed in the car for a little bit to calm my frustration down. I didn't want to ruin this date pissed off. By the time I was calm, I kissed Jess passionately

"You okay?" She asked as we pulled away

"Yeah I'm better now. Let's go" I said

I got out of the car first and then I came on her side and opened the door for her. Once she was out I grabbed her hand in my hand and we walked inside.

"Welcome! Table for two?" The host asked.

"We are meeting Park Jimin" I said

"Ahh right this way" he said

We followed the hostess to Jimin's table. But I felt a pair of eyes burning in my back.

She just can't leave me alone... she's everywhere.

The host took us to Jimin. We both greeted Jimin and his date and we sat down across from him.

"She's here" I said

"Who?" Jimin asked sounding like a damn owl.

"Hope" I said

We were looking at the menu when the server came to our table.

"Hi my name is Hope I'll be taking care of you" she said

I bit my lip and started breathing heavily again. Jess had her hand on my leg and squeezed it.

I put my menu down and put on a fake smile. Jimin on the other hand looked like a tomato. He was super pissed off.

"Oh hi. What can I get you to drink Jimin?" She said cocky

"Can we get another server?" Jimin sneered

"Sorry, but all the servers are busy right now. So you're stuck with me" she said

He slammed his hands on the table which made the wine glasses shake. His girlfriend was shocked by his actions and looked nervous.

"Give me a water" he said

His date also ordered a water.

"You Jungkook?" She said flirty

Jess tensed up and her jaw clenched

"Don't say my name like that" I said

"Then what can I get for you babe? " she asked

Jess stood up and she looked just like Jimin but way way worse.

I had to grab her hand and put her down.

"Ignore her... don't make a screen" I whispered

"Water as well" I said gritting my teeth.

She wrote down all of our drinks and started to walk away.

"Excuse me you forgot about me" Jess growled

"Oh! I didn't see you there. I didn't know whores can come to fancy restaurants like this. Didn't know you can afford it since you work on the streets" hope said

Jess stood up again and walked towards her face to face. Every table was staring at both of them. I got up and held Jess's arm.

"What the fuck did you just say?" She asked

"You heard me loud and clear" hope said crossing her arms

Jess and hope stared at each other on the middle of the walkway. Every table around us we're all whispering.

"Is there a problem?" The manager asked

"Yes there is" Jimin came in and stood next to Jess.

"What's wrong sir?" The manager asked

Jimin explained everything and so did Jess. The manager looked pissed off and looked at hope. Her eyes widened and she looked scared.

"Sir, she degraded me and didn't even take my drink order. She called me a name which wouldn't be said." Jess said

"I'm so sorry for everything. I will take care of your bill and Hope you're fired!" He growled

Hope was pissed but also I saw tears in her eyes. Which made me smile.

This is what you deserved...

We sat back at our table and another server came to take our order. Again Jimin's date was confused..so he explained everything.

"What a fucking bitch" she said

We all cracked up and enjoyed our night. I felt bad that the manager was going to pay the whole bill. So I left our server a generous tip.

After the delicious dinner, we head to our cars. I stopped in my tracks when I saw my Mercedes windows shattered and tired popped.

Jimin came over and saw it too. My car was destroyed.

"This bitch is asking for a beating" Jess said

"I will help you" Jimin's date whose name is Isabella said

I just stood there in shock ... why is this happening to me? What the fuck did I do to deserve this all?

"Jk I called the cops... they should be here soon. After they leave I'll drive you and Jess home" Jimin said

I didn't say a word. But I started to sob. I'm supposed to be strong not weak. Shes ruining everything for me. Just cause I broke up with her.

Jess hugged me tight and rubbed my back. I cried in her shoulders.

"It's okay baby. I'm here" she said

I held her back as I continued to cry.

I didn't know Jimin had called Jin and Yoongi. They came up minutes later and they even patted my back.

The cops arrived and we told them what happened. I was wiping my eyes the whole time I talked to the police officer.

They left and Jimin took me and Jess back to my apartment.

We walked in to my well now our place and instantly I slammed Jess against the wall. I had full of lust in my eyes.

I stripped my clothes and hers as pounded the living shit out of her. Actually all over the apartment.

It was full of my frustration, love for her, how she turned me on just everything!

When we finished we laid on the floor and I was still on top of her. Kissing her like she would disappear once I blinked.

"I love you so fucking much" I said

"I love you Jungkook so much" she said

Started kissing her again and I started to get really hard. Her pussy was dripping wet still and I thrusted in her nice and slow.

Jess was moaning below me and she looked absolutely breathtaking.

"Marry. Me." I said through the thrust.

Jess opened her eyes and looked at me. She was shocked at what I just said. But I meant it.

"W-what?" She asked

I stopped my thrust and looked at her Kissed her nose, cheeks, forehead and lips.

"Marry me Jess." I said

Her eyes widened and she didn't know what to say.

I fucked up.... you so fucking stupid Jungkook. You ruined it!!!!

"Yes! Yes!! I'll marry you" she said with tears in her eyes.

My heart beated fast as I made sweet sweet love to her.

She's the one... the one for me... I thought it was hope. But it's been Jess all this time...

Fight for Love 21+ J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now