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"Hoseok?" Hope asked with wide eyes.

All he did was look at hope with an angry expression. One thing about Hobi is he is fucking scary when he's angry.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked

All he did was stare at her with anger in his eyes.

"You really want to know hope?" He asked

She nodded her head and so did Jess. As she stared at Hoseok in front of her. Which she only has met a couple of times.

But hobi didn't answer her and walked towards where I was standing. Her mouth dropped when she saw him standing next to me.

"Y-your with them????" She asked

"Yup I sure am hope" be said

"How dare you??? Taehyung is your cousin. You should be taking his side!!!" Hope yelled

"Not all families are close Hope. You should know that by now." Hoseok said.

She stood there angrily. Not even moving her eyes from us. I felt powerful with all my friends close to me. No one can hurt me now.

"Just wait til Taehyung hear's about this!!!" Hope yelled

"Oh, you don't have to" I said

Hope met my eyes and I held no emotion in them.

"What the fuck do you mean?" She asked angrily

"Him and Hobi don't talk..so it'll be pointless if you tell him" I said

Hope didn't know what to say or do in this situation. It was 5 against 2.

"Hobi, you said you l-loved me. That you want to be with me" hope said about to cry

Hoseok laughed so loud that it made me jump a little.

"You are really a blonde aren't you? I said that shit to your face. I never liked you. Plus your pussy isn't that fucking good anyways. Your loose as fuck" hoseok said

I snickered as I heard Hobi tell her this.

"Y-your lying! You said you liked it" hope said embarrassed

"Nope, you're just a hoe. You know I'm actually kind of glad that Jungkook doesn't want YOU or your trashy ass friend. You both are whores anyways. You both only want sugar daddies. That's why you're with Taehyung so he can support you and your needs. Yet, he's with his other side bitches while your home waiting for him. Same goes for you Jess with Namjoon" hoseok said

I heard Jimin and Yoongi gasp behind me.

So Jess, has been with Namjoon all this time.

Both their eyes widened when Hoseok spit out the truth.

"Yeah, you don't think I know?" Hoseok asked

The girls said absolutely nothing. They didn't know how to respond since Hoseok threw them both under the bus.

"And the only reason why Taehyung wants to fight Jungkook is because of Jealousy. Taehyung is just a pussy. Cause he can't get what he wants, he wants to fight Jungkook to prove a point. He wants to be the top dog of all of Seoul. When yet... It's been Jungkook all this time. He's just mad cause he ain't number one. And you can tell Taehyung what I said." Hoseok

Again the girls both didn't say anything cause they knew hoseok was right.

"Now, hand Jungkook back his keys" hoseok said

Hope did what she was told and personally handed the keys in my hand. Not even looking into my eyes.

"Thank you" I said harshly.

Hope looked in my eyes and I could tell she felt defeated. Which I was actually happy about.

"You know Jungkook, I didn't think you were this low." She said

I just smiled as she kept saying all this shit to me. Which I didn't give a flying fucking shit about.

"Are you done sulking?" Yoongi asked

Hope looked at Yoongi and they kept their stare for a good bit until she walked away. Jess made it over to me and I didn't feel a thing for her.

"I'm sorry Jungkook" she said

"Tsk whatever, I don't want to hear your fucking apologies. Go to your sugar daddy" I growled

They both walked away with their tails between their legs.

As soon as they were out of our sight, I literally grabbed Hobi and hugged him tight.

"Thanks" I said

"No problem" he said patting my back

We talked for a little bit until we got in our cars. Hobi asked if I could take him home since his car was in the shop. Which I didn't mind at all after what he just did for me.

Too busy bullshitting and laughing about everything. The light turned green and I started to drive when a car smashed into us.

Making my car roll and roll until we were upside down. It all just happened in a blink of an eye.

I heard the sirens heading our way. But I couldn't make anything out because everything was just blurry.

The last thing I heard was a police officer.

"We got you... Don't move son"

That's when everything turned black.

About three hours later...

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a couple times. Looking around as I didn't know where I was.

The beeping of a machine kept going off which was making my head hurt more. My body was hurting all over.

What the fuck happened?


I looked over to see who was calling me and it was Jimin.

His eyes were red and puffy and his hair was all over the place. His nose was even red like he had been crying for hours.

"W-what happened?" I asked

A moment of silence when I heard another voice talk.

"You were in an accident. two cars rammed into you. One on your side and the other on hobi's side" Yoongi said

I couldn't believe it... It happened after we talked to hope and Jess. Who could've done this?

"Is Hobi okay?" I asked

"He's in critical condition right now.." Jimin said wiping his tears.

I looked up to the ceiling trying to process everything they were saying.

"Jin is investigating the scene now. There's no track of the two who had done this. But he has speculations." Yoongi said

I can only think of two people...

Taehyung and Namjoon

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