Opened letter

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Tomorrow will be the 11th-year anniversary of winning the second war, it's past 10 in the evening and Hermione can't think of the words she would be giving for her speech tomorrow. The paper's been blank for 5 hours of contemplating how to start.

Hermione can't think of anything else because her mind is occupied with none other than, Severus Snape and the fact that Toby already met him and thinks he's cool. Hermione just groaned and sat on her couch, looking at the ceiling and contemplates what she's going to do.

At Hogwarts, Severus Snape planned Minerva's funeral to be held after the annual gathering of the second war anniversary. The day after Minerva's death was the busiest for Severus, he settled in the headmaster's office, his new quarters, he met with the board of the governors, overlooked the plans for the incoming term and especially the annual gathering, he made sure that everything is prepared for tomorrow.

He collapsed on his armchair and thought about the boy he met running to Minerva's dead body and sobbed as if she's, his family. He was supposed to grab the boy when Poppy held him back and rushed to him herself.

"Toby, don't cry.", Poppy said, soothing the boys back.

"Poppy let's wake Minnie up.", he boy cried turning to Poppy.

'Minnie?' Severus wondered.

"Minnie?", the boy said nudging Minerva's body and sobbed harder when there is no response from the old woman's dead body.

After a while, he heard someone entered the room and he wished he would just vanish right then and there. Harry wide eyed and mouth opened upon seeing Severus there.

"Potter.", he said, acknowledging him.

He eventually cleared his throat and straightened himself when he heard his name called out by his professor whom they were seeking out through the years and just gave up.

"Professor, you're here.", he said.

"Obviously.", Severus replied and moved aside to let him through.

"Toby?", Harry asked, and the boy turned to look at him and quickly hugged him.

"Toby, your mum's worried about you. Don't run off like that again."

Harry went down to Toby's eye level and Severus just looked at the boy and was curious of his features. 

'Dark curly hair, big brown eyes, and with a nose, surprisingly large as mine?' he thought.

Severus furrowed her brows and shrugged off his observation to the boy's feature.

"I'll floo your mum, you stay here, okay? I'll get you in a while.", Harry said, hugging the boy again and left.

Poppy put an arm on the boy's shoulder and the boy quickly hugged her.

"Oh Toby, please don't cry. Minnie don't like it when you cry.", Poppy said, "You stay here while I get you something to eat, okay?", nodding at Severus and Poppy left.

The boy went to the chair near Minerva and just sobbed quietly while looking at her.

Severus went beside the boy and asked, "Tell me boy, who is your parents?"

Toby looked at him and wiped away her tears, "My mum is Hermione Granger, my name is Toby.", he said and held out his tiny hand.

Severus was shocked with what the boy said, not yet able to process anything he took the boy's small hands and shook it, "I'm Severus Snape, Professor Snape. I assume you're Toby Potter?", he asked.

'Where else would he get his black hair from? I'm sure this is Potter's child and---', his thoughts were interrupted when the boy replied,

"Toby Granger. Uncle Harry is my godfather."

Toby turned to look at Minerva again, Severus just looked at the boy and studied his features more. After a while, Severus stood up and hurriedly went to his old quarters leaving the boy behind.

'The letter.', he thought.

Severus ran to his old chambers and went directly to his desk and there it is, the letter he forgot to open until today.

He brushed his finger to the name signed in it, "Hermione.", he said upon reading it.

Tearing the letter open, he quickly read it and put a hand on his table for support. Reading her letter made him feel nauseous. Running a hand through his hair, he quicky folded the paper and put it back in his desk and hurriedly went back to Minerva's quarters to look for the boy who is now holding Potter's hand, it seems that they're planning to go.

"Goodbye Professor, I'll see you at the start of the term.", Toby said excitedly.

"I will and I'm excited to meet your mum.", he said, tapping the boys head and nodded at Potter.

Severus quickly stood up, went outside the Hogwarts gate and apparated.

Hermione quickly stood up upon hearing a knock on her door, she looked at the time and wondered who it could be at this hour and held her wand at the ready.

Hermione opened the door and was shocked to see who it was, her eyes turned to look at her son's bedroom making sure he was asleep and returned her gaze to the man in her doorstep.


"Hermione,", he said, how she missed hearing him say her name.

"My son.", he added, and Hermione was too stunned to speak.

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