Bloody words

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After sharing a night with Hermione, Severus woke up early to get back to Hogwarts, he heard rustling in his side and he turned to look at Hermione's sleeping face, but he knew she might be awake from his stirring. Severus leaned in and placed a soft kiss in her lips,

"Good morning.", he said, lips forming into a small smile.

"Hey.", she replied in her sleepy voice.

Severus stared at her sleeping face, memorizing every inch of it and he felt warm inside.

"I need to go back to the castle.", he said, but deep inside him he doesn't want to leave Hermione yet, he wants to savor every moment with her, he wants to taste every inch of her but as much as they want to, they can't.

"Okay.", she replied, eyes still shut, and Severus chuckled.

"I'll see you soon, Hermione.", he said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Severus got up, gathered his clothes and donned them. When he was on Hermione's door, he turned to glance at her sleeping form sprawled on the bed, he smiled and went on the floo to his quarters to prepare himself for the day.

Severus went to the Great Hall and scanned the Slytherin table to look for Toby, and there he was conversing with Miss Black. Toby would then catch Severus eyes on him, but he would quickly look away, he was trying his best to ignore him. Severus just sighed heavily.

At the Ministry, Hermione was again buried in the deep pile of paperwork when she heard Harry arrived from her floo.

 "Remind me to restrict your access directly from my floo later please.", she said, looking narrowly at him and returned her attention to the paper she was reading.

Harry chuckled and sat on the chair opposite from her, "Why? Are you afraid I would catch you and Snape shagging in your desk?", he said, devilishly grinning.

Hermione's head shot up and gave him a hexing look, "Why are your here Harry?", she asked after letting out a big sigh.

Harry then gave him a paper that reads another death had occurred.

"I think we may have a lead to where Dolohov is hiding.", he said, his face is now serious.

"That's good news, what are you planning to do then?", she asked him, setting aside the files she looked at Harry and gave all her attention on him.

"We can't attack yet, we don't know what lies in that forest, I can't risk my aurors in this dangerous case.", he said, his hand stroking his chin deeply thinking what the best action would be.

"I can ask Severus to help you, he's a co-Death Eater of Dolohov once, he knows how to handle him.", she offered.

"That would be a great idea, Mione. He could be a great help.", he said and stood up, giving his goodbye and left through the door.

Hermione looked at the window and thought about the words she would say to Severus about helping Harry catch Dolohov. Hermione silently prayed Dolohov would finally be arrested, she can't risk another death reported by his actions.

At Hogwarts, students piled up on a corridor looking at the words painted red on the wall. Teachers were alerted and so is Severus, and they hurriedly went and instructed the students to go back to their dorms. When the teachers were the only ones left, Argus turned to Severus.

"Blood.", he said and clasped Mrs. Norris to his chest tightly.

Severus furrowed his brows at the words.

"We need to have stronger wards around the castle Severus.", Poppy exclaimed, fear in her eyes.

"Who could it be?", Pomona said, holding Madam Hooch's hand.

There's silence when they heard a clicking of heels in the corridor, they all turned to look at Hermione whose eyes were now planted on the wall and mouth slightly opened.

"Minister.", Flitwick said, breaking the silence and fear to some.

"Who did this?", she asked, standing beside Hagrid.

"We don't know Hermione.", Hagrid said, glancing at her and then back to the wall.

Hermione's gaze turned to Severus, who is now looking at her with worry, he can see she's afraid.

Severus dismissed the staff and told Argus to clean the mess, he quickly led Hermione to his office.

As they went on to his office, she heard him reiterate what the wall displayed,

"Traitors will pay."

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