He's awake

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Hermione donned her new silk dress that flows to his feet and hugs her curves, her hair tied in an updo and put on a light make up.

'Will Severus be there? I hope he's not yet gone off somewhere.', she thought, and she remembered her conversation with Minerva two days back, just 2 weeks after her walking out of Severus' room at St. Mungos.

"Severus just handed over his resignation last night, he didn't say much to me, but he really wants to go and said that he wants to live somewhere far away from all of this. He's finally free and I can't take that away from him.", Minerva said, and sobbed. Hermione walked to the old woman and hugged her. Hermione wanted to cry then but held herself back.

Hermione thought about what Severus is going to do, but she just shrugged it off and lets him be. Hermione just swore to keep his feelings to herself and will not push it to him. He deserves this, he deserves putting on a decision of leaving and a decision for himself and she will not take it away from him.

Hermione just smiled in her reflection, 'I'm happy for him.' she reminded herself and walked out to apparate to the Hogwarts grounds.

Hermione walked through the hallway leading to the Great Hall when she saw Severus Snape standing in front of her.

"Miss Granger.", he said slowly.

"Professor.", she greeted back and nodded at him, looking at his feet avoiding his gaze.

"Thank you.", he said, and Hermione quickly looked at his eyes.

"It's the least I could do for all you've done to us professor.", she said and smiled at him.

Severus observed the woman right in front of him and could tell that she's a grown up now, and she grew with lots of wisdom and still the biggest know-it-all. But most of all, Severus thought of how beautiful she became, her plump lips, rosy cheeks and her crazy curls done in a bun.

'Beautiful.', he thought to himself.

Severus nodded at her, and Hermione nodded back, Hermione walk past him but was stopped midway when Severus asked, "Do you want to have tea Miss Granger?"

Hermione turned to look at Severus and he could see that she's hesitating because the party at the Great Hall for the celebration might start in a while.

"You'll be back in time, I promise.", he smirked, and it made Hermione walked to him, shrugging off the doubts and second thoughts.

Upon arriving at his chambers, Hermione took a seat in front of the fireplace, opposite to his chair. Severus gave her a cup and his fingers brushed lightly to hers that made Hermione shiver.

'Relax Hermione.', she reminded herself.

"I can see you're healing well professor.", she started.

"Yes, I am and again, it's you that I should be thankful for that.", he said and sipped his tea.

"And as I said, it was nothing compared to what you've done to us.", she chuckled and sipped her own tea slowly. Deep inside her she wishes this will not end.

"I'm leaving Miss Granger.", he said.

Hermione placed her cup on the table beside her and looked at Severus intently, gathering her Gryffindor courage.

"So, I think it's safe to say that professor, Ihavefeelingsforyou.", Hermione said in a rush, that she wishes he didn't get it, but he did.

Severus took a sip from his cup, placed it on the table next to Hermione's cup and stood up.

"I know, Miss Granger.", he said, Hermione furrowed her brows, confused. Severus might be surprised by this bluntness of Hermione, but it was a relief that she confessed it to him when he's awake, not bed-ridden on a hospital bed and before he goes away.

Severus thought of what Hermione told him while she thought he was sleeping before she left the hospital.

"I think I have feelings for you professor, I didn't know why I'm feeling this way. Oh Merlin, help me." she said, and said her goodbyes after leaving him, thinking that he's asleep that time.

"You were awake?", she said, looking up to him and Severus grinned.

"At that moment I really don't want to speak with you or anyone, so I pretended I was asleep."

"Oh.", was just the word that came out of her lips.

"Your feelings will eventually fade, you'll move on once I'm gone.", he said and softly chuckled, Hermione looked at her professor.

Hermione then stood up, but he was still taller than her.

"I might as well move on from this too.", she said, Hermione walked towards him and pressed her lips on his.

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