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As days turned into weeks, Mara's resilience continued to shine. Her broken leg, encased in a cast, was no longer a hindrance – it was a testament to her strength and determination. Pendo, with unwavering devotion, took on the role of caretaker, guiding Mara through her recovery with a mix of tenderness and encouragement.

Despite the challenges posed by the cast, Mara's movement gradually returned. The wheelchair became less of a necessity, and she began to navigate her world with a newfound determination. Pendo watched with pride as her daughter adapted to her circumstances, her determination an inspiration that kindled hope in their hearts.

Yet, amidst the triumphs of Mara's progress, Pendo couldn't shake the growing sense of unease about James' absence. His busyness seemed to cast a shadow over their lives, leaving Pendo to juggle the responsibilities of Mara's recovery on her own which she didn't mind really. The hospital visits, the adjustments to their routine, and the emotional support that Mara needed – it all fell on Pendo's shoulders, as James remained elusive.

Pendo's concern deepened with each unanswered call, each missed opportunity to connect. She understood the demands of his work but how busy was a carpentry job really, but the absence of his presence during a time when she needed him the most left her feeling isolated and overwhelmed. She couldn't help but wonder where he was, what was occupying his time, and why he seemed so distant when they needed him close. The hours she spent by Mara's side were punctuated by moments of reflection, her thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty and worry. She had always known that their relationship was complex, a dynamic influenced by their shared history and the challenges they had faced together

As Pendo cared for Mara, the echoes of their previous arguments resurfaced in her mind. She yearned for a partner who would stand by her, who would be present not just physically, but emotionally. Her daughter's strength was a reminder that they were a team, a mother and daughter navigating life's trials together. Yet, the absence of James' support left Pendo feeling as though the weight of the world rested solely on her shoulders.

Amidst the rhythmic hum of the physiotherapy equipment, Pendo glanced up to see James standing at the doorway. His appearance was unexpected, and his eyes held a distant quality that set her on edge.

"James," she said, her voice a mix of surprise and concern. "You're here."

He nodded, his gaze momentarily flickering to Mara, who was engrossed in her exercises. "Yeah, finally had some time."

Pendo's frustration mingled with relief. "Where have you been, James? I needed you."

He shrugged, seemingly oblivious to the weight of her words. "Busy with work, you know how it is."

Pendo's patience wore thin. "Busy? Mara has been in the hospital even released, and you've been nowhere to be found."

James sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I can't be there for you all the time. I have responsibilities."

Pendo's voice grew sharper. "We both do, James. But this is my daughter, and she's going through a tough time , i am going through a tough time ."

He seemed detached, as if her words weren't fully registering. "I get it, Pendo. But things are hectic right now."

Her frustration escalated, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's more than that. I just wanted you around during this tough times."

He finally looked at her, his gaze meeting hers, yet his eyes held a distant resolve. "Pendo, let's not talk about this now. I've got a lot on my plate."

The desperation in her voice was palpable. "James, we can't keep ignoring your indifference, your mother doesn't even like me. Maybe... maybe it's time we consider a break."

His reaction was swift, almost defensive. "A break? Are you serious?"

Pendo's voice was tinged with sadness. "I can't keep pretending everything's fine when it's not."

His resistance hardened, his voice firm. "We're not breaking up, Pendo. I won't let that happen."

The tension between them grew, the words exchanged reflecting the widening chasm in their relationship. As the conversation reached an impasse, Pendo's heart felt heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions. James' refusal to address their issues left her grappling with a sense of longing for resolution – a longing that was underscored by the backdrop of Mara's recovery journey, a journey that demanded unity, support, and a sense of shared responsibility.

As Dr. Femi briskly walked through the hospital corridors on his way to surgery, the familiar sounds of the physiotherapy department reached his ears. However, this time the hushed tones of a heated argument floated through the air. Dr. Femi's steps instinctively slowed as he approached the source of the commotion. Pausing by the doorway, he peered inside, his gaze falling upon the scene before him. Pendo's face was a canvas of frustration and hurt, her words tinged with emotion as she tried to communicate something important. The man opposite her, the same man Dr. Femi had observed in the hospital ward during Mara's stay, seemed distant and resolute, his responses distant and dismissive.

In that moment, it all clicked for Dr. Femi. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and he realized the context of the argument. Pendo's dedication to Mara's recovery, her overwhelming presence during her daughter's ordeal, and the man's seeming indifference. His heart weighed heavy as he continued to observe, his empathy for Pendo surging forth. He had seen the strength and vulnerability she carried, the resilience she displayed for Mara's sake. And now, witnessing her confront a partner who seemed detached, he couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy and a desire to offer support, even if from a distance.

But the demands of his profession tugged at him, reminding him of the surgery that awaited him. With a conflicted expression, he tore his gaze away from the unfolding scene and continued on his way. As Dr. Femi continued down the corridor toward the surgery, his steps seemed to carry a weight that extended beyond the physical. Memories of Pendo lingered in his mind, her presence like an indelible mark on his thoughts. He couldn't deny that his encounters with her had left an impact, a connection that had resonated deeper than he had initially anticipated.

He couldn't help but remember the meaningless moments they had shared – the conversations, the shared glances, the unexpected encounters that had woven their lives together in subtle ways. Yet, as he recalled these moments, a sense of conflict arose within him. The reality of his profession, his commitment to his patients, and the boundaries he needed to uphold clashed with the growing fondness he felt for Pendo.

The decision to maintain distance over the past few weeks had been a conscious one, a way to navigate the complexities that had emerged. He was aware that Pendo and Mara had come to the hospital for check-ups and he had intentionally avoided them. He had chosen to prioritize his professional responsibilities, to focus on the lives he touched within the walls of the hospital. The decision had been rational, yet as he walked toward the operating room, he couldn't shake the feeling that something intangible had been set aside.

The memory of Pendo's smile, her dedication to Mara, and the quiet moments of connection they had shared tugged at his heart. He recognized the depth of their bond, the potential for something meaningful to evolve. But with each step he took, the sense of separation – a separation he had imposed – gnawed at him.

With a deep breath, he focused his mind on the task at hand, channelling his energy into the surgery that awaited him. But even as he worked, a part of his thoughts remained with Pendo.

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