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The following week was a whirlwind for Femi, with the hospital demanding nearly every ounce of his time and energy. His days were packed with surgeries, each one more complex than the last, leaving him exhausted yet deeply fulfilled. Despite the grueling schedule, Femi found solace in the small rituals he had established amidst the chaos.

In the odd hours he arrived home—sometimes just before dawn, sometimes well after midnight—he made it a point to check on Mara. He’d quietly slip into her room, watching over her as she slept peacefully, his heart swelling with love and responsibility. These moments, though brief, grounded him in the midst of his demanding profession.

But it was Pendo who occupied his thoughts most. Even though they couldn’t see each other as often as he’d like, Femi made sure she knew she was on his mind. Before he left for the hospital each morning, he would write her a romantic card, leaving it somewhere she’d easily find—a sweet note tucked under her coffee cup, a heartfelt message slipped into her bag, or a playful reminder slipped under her bedroom door.

These small gestures brought a smile to Pendo’s face every time. She appreciated the effort Femi was making despite his busy schedule. The pace of their relationship felt just right—unhurried, genuine, and filled with thoughtful moments.

Pendo understood the demands of Femi’s career and was content with the rhythm they had found. She admired his dedication and was grateful for the way he balanced his work with their new blossoming romance.

On Friday night, Femi finally arrived home a little before 11 PM, his body heavy with exhaustion from a week of back-to-back surgeries. As he stepped into the quiet house, the familiar longing to see Pendo washed over him. Without hesitation, he made his way to her room, the need to be near her overwhelming his fatigue.

He found her sitting on the edge of her bed, reading. The soft light from the bedside lamp cast a warm glow around her, making the room feel cozy and inviting. Pendo looked up, surprised but pleased to see him.

“You’re home early,” she remarked, setting her book aside. “I didn’t expect you until much later.”

Femi smiled tiredly as he approached her, the weight of the week evident in the way he moved. “I couldn’t wait to see you,” he admitted, his voice low and weary. “It’s been a long week, and I missed you.”

Pendo’s heart softened at his words. She reached out, gently brushing a hand across his cheek. “I missed you too, Femi. You look exhausted.”

He nodded, leaning into her touch. “I am,” he confessed, his eyes already beginning to close. “So much so that… I think I’ll just rest here in your room tonight, if that’s alright.”

Pendo hesitated, her mind racing as she considered the implications of him staying the night in her room. “Femi, maybe you should go to your room. You’ll be more comfortable there,” she suggested gently.

But Femi was already half asleep, his body giving in to the exhaustion that had been building up all week. He barely heard her words as he sat down on the edge of the bed, his head drooping slightly. “I’m too tired to move,” he mumbled, his voice fading as sleep began to overtake him.

Before Pendo could protest further, Femi had already laid back on the bed, his breathing deep and even within moments. She watched him for a few seconds, torn between amusement and concern.

With a resigned sigh, Pendo stood up, grabbed a blanket from the foot of the bed, and gently draped it over him. As she did, she couldn’t help but smile. There was something endearing about seeing Femi so vulnerable, so completely worn out that he’d fallen asleep without a second thought.

“Goodnight, Femi,” she whispered, brushing a light kiss on his forehead before turning off the bedside lamp. As she settled in nearby, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment. Despite the unexpected turn of events, having him there made the room feel a little less empty and her heart a little fuller.

In the early hours of the morning, Pendo was gently roused from her sleep by the soft rustling of sheets beside her. Her senses heightened as she became acutely aware of the unfamiliar warmth pressed against her back. As her drowsy mind cleared, she realized with a start how close Femi was to her. His arm was draped around her waist, pulling her in as he spooned her in his deep sleep.

Her breath hitched as she realized just how intimate their position was. Beneath her silk nightgown, she was practically naked, the thin fabric offering little barrier between them. The heat of his body against hers sent a shiver down her spine, a mix of surprise and something else she wasn’t quite ready to name.

Pendo’s heart began to race as she assessed the situation. Femi was still deeply asleep, his breathing slow and steady against the nape of her neck. His hold on her was firm yet gentle, and every attempt to shift away only seemed to make him tighten his grip slightly, as if unconsciously wanting to keep her close.

She bit her lip, her thoughts a tumult of emotions. *What do I do?* she wondered, *Do I wake him and risk the awkwardness, or do I stay here and enjoy the warmth of his embrace?* Part of her wanted to wake him, to gently extricate herself from his embrace and put some distance between them. But another part of her, the part that had been slowly growing more attached to him, found it difficult to pull away. There was something undeniably comforting about the way he held her, even in sleep. It felt like a protective shield, a silent declaration of affection.

Pendo took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. She reminded herself that it was just an innocent situation—he was exhausted, and in his sleep, he’d simply reached out for warmth and comfort. But still, the awareness of her barely-clad body pressed against him made her pulse quicken.

She decided to stay still, at least until she could figure out a way to gently wake him without making things awkward. As she lay there, feeling the steady rise and fall of Femi’s chest against her back, she couldn’t deny the undeniable attraction that had been simmering between them.

Her thoughts drifted to the past few weeks—the late-night talks, the playful banter, the lingering touches that had begun to feel more significant. *Has it really been this easy to fall for him?* she pondered. *This close, this fast?* She had been careful, trying to keep things slow, but in this moment, with Femi holding her so closely, it was hard to ignore that something had shifted between them.

Eventually, Pendo’s breathing synchronized with Femi’s, and she found herself relaxing into his embrace, her earlier tension melting away. As the early morning light began to filter through the curtains, casting a soft glow around the room, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift back to sleep, comforted by the warmth and safety of his arms.

The gentle glow of dawn brought a sense of peace and intimacy, leaving Pendo to contemplate the unexpected closeness and the deepening connection between them.

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