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The morning light filtered gently through the curtains as Pendo sat at the dining table, her thoughts a tumultuous swirl of frustration and disbelief. The weight of Femi’s recent declarations pressed heavily on her, amplifying her sense of helplessness. She glanced over at him, who was seated across from her, seemingly calm and collected as if their lives had been irrevocably changed without a hitch.

Femi cleared his throat and fixed Pendo with a serious look. "Pendo, I need to be clear with you," he began, his voice steady. "You and Mara are not going back to your apartment. I’ve made arrangements for us to settle in here permanently."

Pendo’s eyes widened in shock, her anger flaring. “What do you mean, ‘not going back’? That is my home, or at least it was before you decided to make unilateral decisions for both of us.”

Femi’s expression remained resolute. “I understand that this is a lot to take in, but this is for Mara’s stability and future. She needs consistency, and I believe this environment will provide that.”

Pendo opened her mouth to protest, but Femi raised a hand to pause her. “I’ve also arranged for a nanny to come by next Monday. She’ll help with Mara’s care and ensure that her transition into this new phase of her life is smooth.”

Pendo’s face flushed with indignation. “You’re making decisions about our lives and my daughter’s future without consulting me. How do you expect me to just accept this?”

Femi leaned forward, his gaze unyielding. “I’m doing what I believe is best for Mara. This is not just about us; it’s about giving her the best possible start. We’ll also begin looking for schools for her to ensure she’s integrated into a supportive and enriching environment.”

Pendo’s anger boiled over. “So, what am I supposed to do? Just sit here and be grateful? You’ve made it clear that you see me as part of this arrangement now, but you haven’t once asked me what I want.”

Femi’s demeanor softened slightly, but he remained firm. “I understand that you’re angry and confused, but I need you to see the bigger picture. Everything I’ve done is meant to secure Mara’s future. I want us to build a stable and loving home for her, and that involves making difficult decisions sometimes.”

Pendo’s eyes were filled with tears of frustration, her voice trembling. “And what about me? Where do I fit into all of this?”

Femi took a deep breath, trying to soften his tone. “Pendo, I know this is overwhelming. I’m offering you space and time to come to terms with everything. But know that this is our reality now. I’m committed to making this work for the sake of our family, and I hope, in time, you’ll understand and see it from my perspective.”

Pendo sat in stunned silence, the enormity of the situation settling heavily on her shoulders. The prospect of being cut off from her own life and forced into a new one was a bitter pill to swallow. She felt trapped between her love for her daughter and her own sense of autonomy.

As Femi went about his morning routine, Pendo remained lost in thought, grappling with the realization that her life had taken a path she had never imagined.

As she sat at the dining table, the oppressive weight of her new reality began to crystallize into a plan. Her mind raced through the possibilities, each thought bringing a renewed sense of urgency. Suddenly, a solution presented itself with blinding clarity: she could simply gather her things, take Mara, and leave. It was a daring move, but in her desperation, it felt like the only viable option.

Her heart pounded with determination as she excused herself from the table, heading toward the bedroom where their belongings were stored. The sound of her footsteps was loud and deliberate, each step echoing her resolve.

Femi, watching her from the doorway with a mix of curiosity and resignation, knew exactly what was happening. He had anticipated this reaction and, despite his attempts to offer her space and time, was prepared for the possibility that Pendo might choose to leave.

As Pendo began to hastily pack their belongings into bags, Femi followed her quietly. He stood in the doorway, his expression a mix of calm and understanding. “Pendo, I know you’re feeling trapped right now,” he said, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of resignation. “But you should know that I’ve made sure there are no easy exits for you.”

Pendo’s movements faltered for a moment as she looked up at him, her anger boiling over. “What do you mean, no easy exits? I’m taking Mara, and we’re leaving!”

Femi’s gaze was unyielding. “Pendo, I’ve ensured that the apartment you’re referring to is no longer an option. I’ve had the locks changed and the lease terminated. The resources you had are no longer available to you.”

Pendo’s eyes widened in shock, her anger morphing into a mix of disbelief and despair. “You’re telling me that you’ve deliberately made it impossible for me to leave?”

Femi nodded, his tone unrepentant. “I did what I thought was necessary to provide stability for Mara. I understand that this is difficult, but I’m asking you to see it from my perspective. I want us to work through this together, not as adversaries but as a family.”

Pendo’s hands trembled as she packed, the realization of her limited options weighing heavily on her. She felt cornered and powerless, her plans of escape crumbling in the face of Femi’s calculated control.

Determined to find a way out, Pendo decided to call James for help. She hoped that if she reached out, he might be able to offer some assistance or advice on how to handle her current predicament. With trembling hands, she dialed his number, praying that he would pick up.

“James,” Pendo said when he answered, her voice wavering slightly, “I need your help. I’m in a difficult situation , mara and I need help.”

James’s voice was apologetic but firm. “Pendo, I’m really sorry, but I’m with my mother right now, and I can't talk. I wish I could help, but I’m tied up at the moment.”

Pendo’s shoulders sagged with frustration. “It's okay .” As she ended the call, she felt a mix of disappointment and renewed desperation.

Femi, who had been watching Pendo from the doorway, felt a sharp pang of heartbreak and jealousy. The sight of her reaching out to James, despite everything that had happened, stung deeply. His own emotions churned, a turbulent mix of pain and envy as he wondered why Pendo still sought comfort in James, even now.

Feeling overwhelmed, Femi decided to retreat to the playroom, where Mara was happily occupied with her toys. He needed to escape the intensity of the moment and hide his own turmoil. As he gently gathered Mara and guided her towards the playroom, he masked his inner pain with a facade of calmness.

In the playroom, Femi sat quietly, watching Mara play with a forced smile. His heart ached as he considered the depth of his feelings for Pendo and the gulf that seemed to grow between them. He struggled with the realization that despite all he had done, Pendo's heart still seemed to belong to another, and it was a burden he found increasingly difficult to bear.

As Mara laughed and played, oblivious to the emotional storm swirling around her, Femi’s thoughts were consumed by the conflict between his desires and the harsh reality of Pendo’s choices. The love he had for her was genuine, but it seemed to be overshadowed by the complex web of past relationships and current misunderstandings.

Back in the living room, Pendo faced the stark reality of her situation. With James unavailable as always and her options dwindling, she was left to navigate the difficult path ahead, balancing her desire for freedom with the practicalities of her new life with Femi.

As she looked around, she realized that her choices were becoming increasingly limited, and the struggle to find a way forward was more challenging than she had ever anticipated.

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