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The next morning, Pendo was relieved to find herself alone in the house, the quiet offering a reprieve from the previous night’s turmoil. She moved through the morning routine with a sense of newfound calm, appreciating the peace and solitude.

Just as she settled into the stillness, the doorbell rang, interrupting her thoughts. Opening the door, she was met by a delivery person holding a stunning bouquet of flowers. With a polite nod, they handed her the arrangement and a small card before leaving.

Curiosity piqued, Pendo opened the card, her eyes scanning the bold, familiar handwriting. "Here’s to seducing you," it read, signed simply by Femi. She felt a rush of mixed emotions, a blend of amusement and exasperation.

Rolling her eyes, Pendo placed the flowers on the table, unable to suppress a small, reluctant smile. The bouquet was beautiful, and despite everything, a part of her couldn’t help but feel a flicker of warmth at the gesture.

Later that day, as Pendo contemplated the bouquet and the strange, electrifying dynamic she now found herself entangled in, her phone rang. Glancing at the screen, she saw it was her parents. She hesitated before answering, a mix of guilt and apprehension tightening in her chest.

“Hello, Mama,” she greeted, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Pendo, my dear!” her mother’s voice was warm and cheerful. “How is your husband doing? I hope you’re taking good care of him?”

The question hit Pendo like a cold wave. She wasn’t ready for this conversation, especially not with her parents, who were blissfully unaware of the turmoil she was enduring. “He’s... fine, Mama,” she managed to say, forcing a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

Her father’s voice chimed in, “That’s good to hear. Marriage is not easy, my dear, but it’s worth it. You’ve made a good match. Stay strong and be patient. Remember, we’re always here for you, but your place is with your husband.”

Pendo felt a knot tighten in her stomach. The naivety of their words, the lack of understanding of the complex situation she was trapped in, made her feel even more isolated. They spoke as if everything was normal, as if she was happily married and adjusting to a new life, when in reality, she felt like she was living in a surreal nightmare.

“Thank you, Mama, Baba,” she replied, her voice betraying none of the inner conflict tearing her apart. “I’ll do my best.”

“Good girl,” her mother praised. “Marriage takes time, but with love and patience, everything will work out. We’re proud of you, Pendo.”

After hanging up, Pendo stared at the phone, a bitter taste in her mouth. The words of encouragement, though meant to comfort, only deepened the chasm of loneliness she felt. They had no idea what was truly going on, and she couldn’t bring herself to tell them.

As she sat there, the scent of the flowers wafting through the room, Pendo realized that she was more alone in this than she had ever been. Her parents’ well-meaning advice echoed in her mind, urging her to stay, to make the marriage work. But the reality of her situation was far from the idyllic image they painted.

As she sat alone, the gentle hum of the city life just beyond her window barely reaching her ears as she stared at the bouquet of flowers on the table. Each petal seemed to echo the chaos that had enveloped her life so suddenly. She was still trying to process the whirlwind of events that had turned her world upside down.

Femi, once a close friend and confidant, was now her husband. The thought still felt surreal, and the path that led there was paved with confusion and choices that hadn’t been hers. And then there was James, her former fiancé, who had moved on to marry another woman. The emotional upheaval was exhausting, leaving her in a state of disbelief and introspection.

Despite the turmoil, she couldn't ignore how Mara was thriving. The little girl was happier than Pendo had ever seen her, basking in the attention and care that Femi and the new home provided. Watching Mara adapt so effortlessly to this new life gave Pendo pause, making her reconsider her own stance. Mara had received more in the last month than she had ever been able to provide since birth.

Pendo spent hours lost in thought, weighing the implications of Femi’s decisions and the effect they had on her and Mara's lives. Femi had shown dedication and had taken steps to integrate himself into their lives in a way that was both assertive and caring. The house, the plans for Mara’s schooling, and the promise of stability—these were things she couldn't dismiss lightly.

After much deliberation, Pendo realized that perhaps she owed it to herself and Mara to see what this new life could offer. She was yet to understand the full impact of Femi’s actions and how they could shape their future. It was a risk, but perhaps one worth taking.

It was time to start exploring what lay ahead. This new chapter, though thrust upon her, might hold opportunities she hadn’t considered. She resolved to approach this with an open mind, determined to find out for herself whether the life Femi offered could become a real and fulfilling one.

Late one evening, Pendo ventured into Femi's office, finding him immersed in work. The room was quiet, the soft hum of the computer and the rustle of papers filling the silence. Determined to confront him, she broke the stillness.

“Femi,” she began, her tone both curious and confrontational, “why did you want me so badly? You could have any woman you wanted—someone who isn’t a mother or engaged. You’re everything a woman could dream of: rich, educated, and handsome.”

Femi looked up from his desk, a playful glint in his eyes. “Is that so? You think I’m handsome. Am I the man of your dreams, then?” he teased, his voice light but laced with an edge of sincerity.

Pendo was caught off guard by the question. She wasn’t prepared for this shift in the conversation. “Well,” she said, trying to regain her composure, “you’re certainly very handsome. But don’t you think what you did was a bit... freaky?”

Femi’s expression shifted to one of mock hurt, though his eyes remained amused. “Freaky? Is it so terrible that I was a ‘freak’ for you?” he asked, his tone half-serious, half-playful. “And since you think I’m handsome, how about joining me at a hospital fundraiser? It’s a chance for us to spend some time together and maybe clear the air.”

Pendo hesitated, her mind racing. She had come to challenge him but now found herself faced with a surprising blend of attraction and confusion. His playful demeanor masked the deeper feelings he was clearly trying to convey.

Femi’s invitation hung in the air, a tantalizing offer amidst the tension between them. “Think about it,” he continued, a hopeful note in his voice. “It could be a chance to see each other in a different light and work through this mess.”

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