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As the dinner conversation continued to weave its threads, Pendo's father's thoughtful gaze turned toward the young doctor once again. "And when do you plan to head back to the city after this volunteer work?" he inquired, his voice holding a sense of practicality.

Dr. Femi's response was measured, aligning with the timeline of their shared commitment. "I'll be returning after Christmas," he replied, his tone even and thoughtful, echoing the familiarity of the season.

Pendo's mother, sensing an opportunity in the doctor's response, interjected with a suggestion that carried an air of warmth and practicality. "Since you'll both be heading back around the same time," she began, her voice gently persuasive, "why not travel together? It would make the journey more convenient for both of you."

The suggestion seemed to hang in the air for a moment, inviting consideration. Around the table, the idea was met with nods of agreement, as if the possibility of shared travel made practical sense. The concept seemed to further blur the lines of their connections, weaving together the threads of their lives in a way that felt natural.

Pendo, her thoughts momentarily caught in the suggestion, looked from her mother to the doctor, her gaze a mixture of surprise and contemplation. It was an unexpected proposition, yet it carried a certain logic. With the prospect of shared travel hanging in the air, Pendo's practical nature prompted her to address a crucial aspect. Turning her gaze toward Dr Femi, she spoke with a blend of consideration and sincerity. "Dr Femi, considering that I'll be travelling with my daughter Mara, would you be comfortable with this arrangement?"

Her question encapsulated not just the logistics of the journey, but also a deeper acknowledgment of the dynamics that would be at play. It was an inquiry that carried an unspoken understanding of the potential impact on both of their lives, as well as the unique bond that had formed between the doctor and her daughter.

Dr. Femi met her gaze, his expression thoughtful and genuine. "Pendo," he replied, his voice a gentle reassurance, "I've come to know Mara throughout her recovery, and I feel a connection with her as well. If you're comfortable with the idea, I'd be more than willing to share the journey back to the city." The prospect of travelling together seemed to underscore the evolving nature of their relationship, opening the door that went beyond physical distance.

As the conversation lingered on the idea of shared travel, Dr. Femi's excitement was a quiet ember burning within him. While the practicalities were discussed and opinions exchanged, his thoughts seemed to gravitate toward the prospect of spending time with Pendo during the journey. It was as if the background noise faded, and his contemplation centred on the intimate moments they might share on the road.

As the moonlight painted a tranquil scene, and the warmth of the evening lingered, Pendo's father's curiosity took a more personal turn. His gaze settled on the young doctor with a thoughtful expression. "Dr. Femi," he began, his voice gentle and inquisitive, "may I ask about your family lineage? Where are they?"

Dr. Femi's gaze met the elder's, his expression reflecting a mix of emotions – a combination of hesitation and vulnerability. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "Sir," he replied, his tone carrying a touch of melancholy, "I don't have any family. I was orphaned at a young age and raised in an orphanage."

His words hung in the air, carrying with them a glimpse into a past that held its own story of challenges and resilience. Pendo's father, his eyes reflecting a genuine compassion, saw an opportunity to uplift the young doctor's spirits. A warm smile graced his lips as he gently teased, "Dr Femi, I might be old enough to be your father, but that means i can share a bit of fatherly wisdom."

The twinkle of humour in his eyes was accompanied by a sense of understanding as if he recognized the complexities of their journeys. "In fact," he continued, his voice carrying a hint of jest, "if you ever decide you'd like to add parenthood to your list of accomplishments, you're more than welcome to adopt Mara. She's already quite fond of you."

The jest held a warmth that seemed to embrace the doctor's presence, inviting him into the folds of their familial connection. As the conversation between her father and the young doctor unfolded, Pendo found herself in a state of both embarrassment and astonishment. The air seemed to thicken with a mix of emotions as she listened to her parents' interactions with Dr. Femi. What had started as a simple dinner had evolved into a genuine exchange, her parents extending a warmth and familiarity that went beyond the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship.

Amid the moonlit evening, Pendo felt a flush of embarrassment. Her parents' openness and warmth toward Dr. Femi were unexpected, catching her off guard in the best possible way. It was as if the doctor had seamlessly become a part of their family narrative, welcomed not just as a guest but as someone who had found his place within the fabric of their lives.

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