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After a heartwarming Christmas in the village, it was time for Pendo, Mara, and Dr Femi to bid farewell to her parents and head back to the bustling city. As they embarked on the journey, the atmosphere in the car was a mix of emotions.

Mara, sitting in the backseat, couldn't contain her excitement. She was utterly smitten by the charming doctor, seeing him as her superhero. Her young heart fluttered with every glance she stole at him, and she chattered away, filling the car with her innocent enthusiasm.

Pendo, on the other hand, was a bundle of nerves. Thoughts about the journey ahead and the unspoken complexities between her and Dr. Femi weighed heavily on her mind. She stole occasional glances at him, her heart racing, and her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her coat.

Dr. Femi, seated beside Pendo, was lost in contemplation. He had been thinking about how to broach the subject of his feelings. The silence in the car felt both comforting and stifling, as he wrestled with his emotions, searching for the right words to express what he felt. The journey back to the city seemed like an opportunity, but he was acutely aware of the risk it carried.

In the quiet confines of the car, Pendo turned to Dr. Femi with a warm smile, wanting to express her gratitude for his kindness. "You know," she began, "I appreciate your help. It's nice to have made a friend who can give us a ride to the city. I don't usually have well-off friends."

Dr. Femi, his eyes briefly meeting hers, decided it was time to reveal his true feelings. He wore a small, mischievous smile as he responded, "Well, Pendo, what makes you think I want to be friends with you? I didn't offer you a ride because I want to be just friends."

Pendo's heart skipped a beat as she looked at him, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in her eyes. "Oh?" she replied, her voice tinged with both excitement and caution. "And what do you want, Dr. Femi?"

Dr. Femi turned his gaze back to the road ahead, his expression serious yet sincere. "I want to be your man Pendo," he admitted, his voice soft and filled with longing. "I want to make you mine."

Pendo, her heart racing with surprise and confusion, tried to process Dr. Femi's revelation. She felt the need to clarify her situation. "Dr. Femi," she began, her voice wavering, "I appreciate your honesty, but I need to be clear with you. I'm already in a relationship with James. He's been a significant part of my life, and he even proposed to me."

Dr. Femi nodded, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. He understood the gravity of her words but couldn't ignore the feelings that had grown between them. "I respect that, Pendo," he replied softly. "But I can't deny the way I feel about you. I want to be there for you and Mara in a way that James hasn't been."

Dr Femi, sensing the tension in the car after their heartfelt conversation, decided to lighten the mood with a gentle joke. He offered a playful smile and said, "You know, now that I've confessed my feelings, maybe you can drop the 'Dr.' and just call me Femi."

Pendo couldn't help but chuckle at his attempt to bring some levity to the situation. "Alright, Femi," she replied, a small smile gracing her lips. "But only if you promise not to start calling me 'love' or something equally informal."

Femi laughed warmly, relieved to see her smile. "Deal, Pendo. No nicknames, just us."

In the backseat of the car, as the conversation between Pendo and Dr Femi unfolded, little Mara had succumbed to the gentle lull of the road and the soft hum of the engine. She lay there, her breathing calm and steady, a small, peaceful smile gracing her face.

Pendo, stealing a glance at her slumbering daughter, couldn't help but feel a surge of love and protectiveness. It was a reminder of the responsibilities she held as a mother and the choices she needed to make for their future.

Dr. Femi, too, noticed Mara's peaceful sleep and couldn't help but smile. She was a special part of the equation, and whatever path they chose, he knew he wanted to be there for both Pendo and her.

As the night grew darker and the car carried them closer to the city, Dr. Femi couldn't help but be consumed by his emotions. He turned to Pendo, his voice laced with vulnerability. "Pendo," he began, "I have to ask you something hypothetical. If let's say, James wasn't in the picture, would you ever consider someone like me as a partner?"

Pendo was taken aback by the directness and honesty of his question. She looked at him, her eyes searching his face for sincerity. It was clear that Dr. Femi wasn't holding back his feelings, and that both excited and startled her.

Pendo, her heart torn between her feelings for Dr. Femi and her commitment to James, responded with honesty. "Femi," she said, her voice tinged with regret, "I believe you could be a great partner. But the reality is, that James is very much in the picture. He's been a part of our lives for a while, and he proposed to me. I can't just ignore that." Femi nodded, understanding the weight of her words. The road ahead seemed filled with uncertainty, but he respected Pendo's decision.

Dr. Femi, his heart steadfast and determined, looked at Pendo with unwavering sincerity. "Pendo," he said, his voice filled with resolve, "I'll respect your relationship with James, but I also want you to know that I won't give up on what I feel. I'll be patient, and I'll court you until the day comes when I know for sure that you and James are married."

Pendo was taken aback by his commitment and the depth of his feelings. She gazed at him, feeling a mixture of emotions - gratitude for his understanding, confusion about her own heart, and a sense of being deeply valued.

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