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As the silence hung heavy in the room after Dr Femi's departure and the long journey back from the village, James couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He turned to Pendo and asked, "Pendo, what's going on with the doctor? He seemed a bit too comfortable around you."

Pendo sighed, realizing that she needed to explain the situation. "James," she began, "Dr. Femi was volunteering in the village during the Christmas holiday. When he saw us at the bus stop, he offered to give us a ride back home."

James looked slightly relieved but still puzzled. "Okay, but why does he seem so friendly with you?"

Pendo met his gaze, her eyes reflecting both patience and concern. "James, he's just been a good friend to us. You've been distant throughout the Christmas holiday, and I was actually hoping we could talk about that too."

Pendo's revelation about her concerns had taken James by surprise, but her response to his confession left him feeling exposed. He took a deep breath and confessed, "Pendo, I have to tell you something. My mother... she's been pressuring me to marry a village girl from our hometown."

Pendo's eyes welled up with a mix of hurt and understanding. The confirmation of her suspicions about James's mother not liking her hit her hard. "James," she whispered, her voice quivering, "I always had a feeling, but hearing it now... it hurts."

James reached out to hold her hand, remorse in his eyes. "Pendo, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to burden you with this. But I want you to know that I love you, and I want to be with you."

Pendo, still grappling with the revelation, asked, "James, what did you say to your mother when she proposed this idea?"

James shifted uncomfortably, his gaze falling to the floor. "I... I didn't say much," he admitted sheepishly. "My mother can be... quite demanding, and I didn't want to upset her further. But Pendo, I want you to know that I'm not going to let her dictate my life. I want to be with you, and I'll find a way to make that happen."

Pendo, her concern deepening, looked into James's eyes and asked, "James, how are you planning to handle your mother's interference? You haven't even visited my parents to officially declare your intentions or pay my bride price, let alone introduce yourself to them. How can we make this work if you don't take those steps?"

James sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "You're right, Pendo. I've been avoiding this because I knew my mother wouldn't approve. But I can't let her control my life like this anymore. I'll visit your parents, pay the bride price, and make things official. And as for my mother, I'll have a serious talk with her. I can't let her jeopardize what we have."

As Pendo continued to question James about their future, he could feel the pressure building inside him. Frustration and anger welled up, and he suddenly stood up abruptly, his chair scraping loudly against the floor.

Pendo, her voice trembling, called after him, "James, please, we need to talk about this!"

Without turning back, James muttered, "We'll talk later," and left the room, the door slamming shut behind him.

In the dimly lit room, Pendo sat alone, the weight of the conversation with James heavy on her mind. As she glanced at the clock on the wall, the glowing numbers indicated that it was the wee hours of the morning. The exhaustion from the long journey, the emotional turmoil, and the unresolved tension had taken their toll.

She sighed deeply, realizing that sleep was elusive in this moment of turmoil. She couldn't help but replay the conversation with James in her mind, the revelations about his mother's interference, and the uncertainty of their future together. The darkness outside mirrored the uncertainty she felt within, and she knew that the path ahead was filled with challenges and decisions.

With a heavy heart, she leaned back in her chair, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. The room remained still, except for the faint sound of the night, a backdrop to her contemplation.

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