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James's unexpected visit caught Pendo off guard, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him standing at her doorstep. Despite the pain he had caused her, a part of her couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope at the prospect of seeing him again. As they sat down to talk, James poured his heart out to Pendo, his words filled with regret and longing. He admitted that marrying someone he barely knew was a mistake, a decision made out of desperation rather than genuine love.

"Pendo, I still love you," James confessed, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I know I've made a mess of things, but I can't shake the feeling that we're meant to be together."

Pendo listened in silence, her heart torn between the love she once felt for James and the pain of his betrayal. Despite the temptation to believe his words, she knew deep down that she couldn't ignore the hurt he had caused her.

"James, I appreciate your honesty, but it's too late," Pendo replied, her voice trembling with emotion. "What we had is over, and I can't go back to the way things were."

James's expression fell, the weight of Pendo's words sinking in. He had hoped for a different outcome, but he knew he had to respect her decision, no matter how much it hurt.

"I understand," James said, his tone resigned. "I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for everything. I'll always love you, Pendo."

Meanwhile, Dr. Femi's heart raced with a mix of emotions as he overheard Pendo's conversation with James by the door. He had been eager to tell her about his preparations and was at first surprised to hear a male voice in her house. His grip tightened on the doorknob as he struggled to contain the surge of jealousy and frustration that coursed through him. Seeing Pendo in the presence of another man, especially one who had caused her so much pain, ignited a fierce protectiveness within him. As James continued to plead his case, Dr. Femi's jealousy intensified, his mind flooded with thoughts of losing Pendo to another man. The mere idea of someone else laying claim to her affections filled him with a sense of panic and desperation.

Without a word, Dr. Femi stormed out, his mind spinning with thoughts of how to win Pendo's heart once and for all. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her to another man, especially not to someone like James, who had already caused her so much pain.

As he paced back and forth in his house, a plan began to form in Dr. Femi's mind. He knew he had to act fast if he wanted to make Pendo permanently his. With determination burning in his veins, he set out to make one of the most offhand decisions he had ever made.

Two weeks flew by in the blink of an eye, with Dr. Femi and Pendo communicating primarily through phone calls. Pendo couldn't shake off a slight discomfort she felt with their phone interactions, wondering if Dr. Femi was second-guessing his invitation. Despite this, she found herself growing increasingly excited about the planned visit, eager to spend time with him and explore the possibility of moving forward together.

Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Femi had overheard half of her conversation with James during his unexpected visit. His jealousy simmered beneath the surface as he pondered overheard words and the implications they held for their budding relationship. Each passing day only fueled his determination to make Pendo his, driving him to devise a plan that would solidify their bond and secure her affections once and for all.

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