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Overwhelmed by his emotions, the doctor found himself standing outside Pendo's apartment. After a deep breath, he approached a neighbor. "Hey, is Pendo around?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

The neighbor looked at him with a sympathetic smile. "Oh, you just missed them. They went to the village for the holidays."

The doctor's shoulders slumped slightly, disappointment evident on his face. "I see, thank you."

As he turned away, a mixture of regret and missed opportunity flooded his thoughts. The chance to address the unresolved tension seemed to have slipped through his fingers, leaving him to grapple with his feelings in the wake of their absence.

The neighbor's compassionate nature kicked in despite the doctor's evident disappointment. "Wait a moment," they said, a considerate tone in their voice. "Would you like Pendo's number? Maybe you need to reach her urgently?"

The doctor looked surprised for a moment, then nodded appreciatively. "Yes, that would be kind of you. Thank you."

The doctor's gratitude was palpable as the neighbor jotted down Pendo's number and handed it to him. The unexpected lifeline gave him a glimmer of hope amidst his tumultuous emotions. With the possibility of bridging the gap now in his hands, he felt a renewed determination to address the unspoken matters that had been weighing on his heart. Holding the slip of paper with Pendo's number, the doctor's heart raced with a mixture of apprehension and determination. The opportunity to reach out felt like a pivotal moment, a chance to mend what had been strained between them. The unspoken words, the unresolved tension - they all weighed heavily on his mind.

Fingers trembling slightly, he pulled out his phone, his thoughts racing as he contemplated the best approach. A call might convey the urgency of his emotions and the depth of his desire to reconnect. Yet, a text message might offer a gentler introduction, allowing him to carefully choose his words.

With a deep breath, he opted for a text message, his fingers carefully typing out each word. "Hi Pendo, I hope you're doing well. I've been wanting to talk if you're open to it."

With a hesitant press of the send button, the message was on its way, carrying with it the weight of his emotions and his earnest desire for reconciliation. The phone in his hand suddenly felt heavy, as if it held the key to a door that had the power to either mend or forever alter the course of their connection.

A realization struck the doctor: he had forgotten to introduce himself in the text he sent. An awkward mix of embarrassment and chagrin washed over him as he contemplated his oversight. Should he send another message to rectify it, or wait for a response? He chose to wait, the weight of his emotions reminding him of the delicate nature of their virtual conversation. As he set his phone down, he knew that this small interaction might hold the key to their uncertain yet promising future.

Meanwhile, in Pendo's world, the sight of the text brought a mix of emotions , who was this that wanted to talk to her and why didn't they introduce themself. She stared at the message, caught between the desire to respond and the uncertainty that had taken residence in her heart. As she debated whether to type a reply, her thoughts began to drift, pulled away by the currents of her day.

Hours passed, and the text remained unanswered, lost in the shuffle of life's demands. Pendo's mind was pulled in multiple directions - tending to Mara, managing her online practice, and simply finding moments of respite. Amidst the busyness, the message slipped from her immediate thoughts, becoming a fleeting memory in the midst of her bustling life.

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