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In the wake of James's sudden marriage, Pendo found herself enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions. Each passing day seemed to only deepen the ache in her heart, as she grappled with the reality of her shattered dreams. The news of James's wedding reached her like a thunderbolt, casting a shadow over her world. It wasn't just the end of their relationship; it was the death of the future she had envisioned with him. As she navigated through the next three months, Pendo felt like a mere shell of herself, going through the motions of life while the pain gnawed at her insides.

Amidst the chaos of her emotions, Pendo found herself bombarded with inquiries from curious friends and acquaintances at every turn. "What happened between you and James?" they would ask, their voices laced with a mix of concern and curiosity. With each question, Pendo felt a fresh wave of anguish crash over her, forcing her to relive the heartbreak all over again. "He just...left," she would murmur in response, her words barely audible above the din of the crowd. It was a simple answer, but it felt like a dagger through her heart every time she spoke it.

Despite her best efforts to shield Mara from the pain, Pendo couldn't escape the relentless questions that tugged at her daughter's innocence. "Mommy, where's James?" Mara would inquire innocently, her big brown eyes filled with curiosity. With a heavy heart, Pendo would muster a weak smile and reply, "He's just busy, sweetheart. But don't worry, mommy's here for you." It was a lie—a necessary one to protect Mara from the harsh truth of their shattered relationship.

Despite the relentless demands of his job, Dr Femi managed to carve out moments to check up on Mara and Pendo. Each visit was a bright spot in their day, especially for Mara, who greeted  him with uncontainable excitement every time. Pendo, too, found comfort in his visits, grateful for his unwavering support during such a challenging time in her life.

One day, as Dr. Femi stopped by, Mara dashed to the door, her face lighting up with joy. "Dr. Femi, you're here!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

"Hey, Mara! How's my favourite little superhero today?" Dr. Femi crouched down to her level, a warm smile on his face.

"She's doing great, thanks to you," Pendo said, stepping forward. "I don't know what we'd do without you, especially with everything that's been going on."

Dr Femi's expression softened. "I'm just glad I can be here for both of you. You're like family to me."

Pendo's heart skipped a beat at his words, a mix of emotions swirling inside her. She appreciated his kindness and support more than words could express, and yet, there was a part of her that longed for more. But with the wounds from her past still raw, she hesitated to let herself be vulnerable again.

As the days turned into weeks, their bond grew stronger, with Mara often asking when "Uncle Femi" would visit next. His presence brought a sense of stability and reassurance to their lives, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had consumed her since James's betrayal.

As the night settled in and Mara drifted off to sleep, Pendo busied herself with the nightly cleaning routine. Just as she was putting the final touches, her phone buzzed, signalling a message from Dr Femi. With a curious furrow of her brow, she opened it to find a surprising request for a meeting.

"Hey, Pendo. Can we chat for a moment? It's important," the message read.

Intrigued and a bit apprehensive, Pendo quickly agreed, and within minutes, Dr. Femi was standing at her doorstep. His presence brought a mix of comfort and uncertainty, but she welcomed him inside nonetheless.

Once they were seated, Dr. Femi cleared his throat, his expression serious yet gentle. "Pendo, I've been thinking a lot lately. You know how much Mara means to me, and I've grown quite fond of you, too."

Pendo's heart skipped a beat at his words, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of surprise and anticipation.

"I know we've talked about how much I visit, and well, I've been considering something," he continued, his voice steady. "What if you and Mara came to stay with me for a while? I mean, it would give us a chance to get to know each other better, and I want you both to feel comfortable and supported."

Pendo's mind raced with a alot of emotions. The idea of moving in with Dr. Femi was both exhilarating and daunting, but she couldn't deny the warmth and sincerity of his proposal.

Pendo felt a rush of conflicting emotions as Dr. Femi's proposal hung in the air. The idea of moving in with him was both enticing and daunting, and she couldn't deny the comfort it offered amid her turmoil. However, she also knew that such a significant decision required careful consideration. "I... I don't know what to say," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's a lot to take in, but... it's also incredibly kind of you to offer.Thank you, Femi. I appreciate your offer more than you know," she began, her voice soft but resolute. "But I think, for now, we should start with a visit. It's a big step, and I want to make sure it's the right one for Mara and me."

Dr. Femi nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting a blend of admiration and support. "Of course, Pendo. I completely understand. Whenever you're ready, just let me know. I'm here for you, no matter what."

With a grateful smile, Pendo agreed to arrange a visit in the coming days, the weight of her decision lifting slightly with the knowledge that she had someone like Dr. Femi by her side. As they bid each other goodnight, a sense of cautious optimism filled the air, mingling with the quiet hope of a new beginning on the horizon.

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