This Could Go Wrong - Part 1

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"Josie relax" Hope tried to calm her, "It's not as bad as you think"

"What that you've been lying to all of us for years?" She scoffed, "You're not a witch, what the hell are you"

Hope sat down with a sigh, "My name isn't Hope Marshall" she started,

"Great another thing you lied about" Josie scoffed,

But Hope caught her eye and her glare shut her down immediately, "My name is Hope Mikaelson"

"Wait as in..." She trailed off,

Hope nodded "The originals yes"

"How?" Josie demanded,

Hope glared at her again, making Josie uneasy,

"My Dad was Klaus Mikaelson. Everyone thought he couldn't procreate like all vampires but he's a hybrid so his wolf side let him. A loophole" The Tribrid explained, "Mum and Dad had a drunken night, nine months later I popped out. Natures biggest accident"

Josie's eyes were wide, "but wait a minute, Klaus..."

"I really don't want to talk about it" Hope snapped, "Shouldn't we focus on the ginger currently rooting through my draws"

"Sorry" Gabby laughed guiltily tucking her hair behind her ear, "I get distracted"

"If your his sister" Hope started, "You know what he is?"

"I can't tell you" She deadpanned, "So don't ask, don't guess or anything. Our species doesn't reveal itself to others unless it's extremely necessary. I'm talking worst case scenario. If Mike had his memories he'd know to disguise himself as a witch instead of using his normal abilities"

"So who is he?" Josie asked,

Gabby smiled, "Nice try with the loophole Josette, but I can only tell you his name is Mike Smith"

"But you didn't know he'd lost his memories" Hope smirked, "Which means you could be in danger too"

Gabby nodded, "I need to figure out what happened to him"

"You mean we" Hope told her, standing to attention, "You may not have noticed, but he doesn't like leaving me"

"True, but Josette stays here" Gabby ordered,

Hope shrugged, "Sure"

"Absolutely not" Josie argued, "I'm in this too"

"No Josie" Hope ordered,

"We'll then how about I tell everybody about the mighty Hope Mikaelson instead of the shy Hope Marshall?"

"Dayumn" Gabby laughed, "Now that is how you get yourself on the team Josette"

"It's Josie" The brunette argued, "Josette was my Mom"

"Of course" Gabby apologised, "Josie"

"What's the plan then Gabby?" Hope asked, "Cause whatever it is needs to happen either now or can happen In New Orleans"

"What why?" Gabby demanded,

"The Branded ones have been following him around" Josie explained, "Putting the whole school in danger"

"Branded ones?" Gabby laughed, "I like that"

"What are they?" Hope asked,

"Corrupted humans" Gabby explained, "the stronger ones are corrupted versions of us. Extremely powerful"

"But you can fight them as well?" Josie asked, "Mike wiped them out easily so two of you could defend everyone"

However Gabby shook her head, "I can't kill them. I can hurt them, banish them back to where they came. But only Mike can kill them permanently"

"So we need his memories back" the Tribrid finished, "Asap"

"The Branded ones" Gabby asked, "Do you know what they are after?"

"The sword" Hope offered, "Whatever the hell that is"

"Trouble" Gabby sighed, "The sword is very powerful and if in the wrong hands has the power to wipe out all life"

"We need to find it then" Hope suggested, "Use it on them and destroy anyone who wants it"

Gabby turned to her, a dark expression on her face, "Careful girl, you sound like your father"

Hope growled, ready to charge her. But Josie grabbed her shoulder, "Relax Hope"

"The best thing for the sword is to stay hidden. We need to find whoever is searching for it and kill them before they find it" Gabby planned, "I think New Orleans is a good idea"

"We'll it's a good job I packed. But you're going to have to clear it with Caroline about Josie" Hope said, "And also introduce yourself because she's coming too"

"Fine" Gabby groaned, before blue particles surrounded them and the four of them vanished.

— Line Break —

They re-materialised in Caroline's office, "Hi" Gabby grinned at a shocked Caroline,

"Who the hell are you?" Caroline demanded,

"Mike's sister" Hope offered,

Caroline groaned. The girls filled her in on what had happened in the last hour, Gabby's arrival. The sword. The burned ones. Safe to say, when they had finished, Caroline was even more convinced that they had to get them out of there.

"Let's go" was the last thing she said before the lot of them (Josie Included) vanished into blue energy again.

They re-materialised on the outskirts of the bayou, Hope breathing in the air of her Pack's forest and smiling.

"God I need to come home more often" Hope grinned,

Gabby snorted, but managed to cover it as a cough, "I don't know why we materialised here" she quickly changed the topic, "I was aiming for your family's compound"

"It's fine" Hope replied, "It's been ages since I've seen the bayou anyway. It's nice to be home"

Caroline smiled at the Tribrid, glad to see her comfortable in her home environment. Mike saw how happy Hope was, making him smile as well.

"Am I really gonna have to track through here with my boots on?" Caroline complained

"Careful Miss Forbes" Hope laughed, "You sound like my aunt"

"You take that back!" Caroline gasped.

But Hope was already walking through the Bayou

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