You Called - Part 2

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"You know you need to apologise to Gabriel" Hope told Mike as they were walking down to the cell, "You were rude" 

"I'll apologise when this is done" He retorted, "She should have called me sooner, you all should have" 

Hope scoffed, "I'm sorry, you were the one who went no contact? I tried to call you and got nothing" 

This caused Mike to stop, "What?" 

"Of course I tried to call you! I called as soon as you left!" She cried out, "But instead all I got was silence!" 

She finished saying this as they arrived in the cell, "Ah Michael" the Necromancer greeted, "We meet again!"

With a flick of his hand the archangel threw the necromancer into the wall, "This new form of yours, not as talky as the old ones" The demon groaned as it stood up again, "It's a shame" 

"How did you escape hell?" Mike asked, "I banished you there for eternity" 

"Wouldn't you like to know" the necromancer laughed, "You know you can't kill me, because otherwise you won't know how I escaped hell. But I won't tell you" 

"You don't know" Mike realised, 

"What?" The Necromancer asked, the glee fading from his expression, 

"You don't know how you got out" The Archangel realised, turning and running back up the stairs. When he reached a private room he waved his hand and Gabriel appeared, 

"Damn it Michael, don't do that!" she yelled, 

"No time" he shut her down, "He doesn't know how he got here, he's just as clueless as we are" 

"And he immediately came here" Gabby picked up on his theory, "Something sent him after the dagger" 

"Just like the other" Mike agreed, "But If something can manipulate even him like that. It has to me extremely powerful" 

"What do you need me to do" She sighed, 

Mike ran his hand through his hair in thought, "We need to know where they're coming from, but I don't think whatever is sending these things will be easily found. I've been looking but nothing has turned up"

"Mike, what do you need me to do" She repeated, 

He handed her a slip of paper, "There's a good chance I won't be able to banish him, if he's been juiced up with black magic then he'll be stronger. More resistant to our power. I need you to get these things together" 

She read the list and laughed, "You want to do a blessing on him?" 

"To see if we can remove the black magic, yes" He answered, "If it works on him, there's a chance it will work on the others too" 

She nodded, took the list and vanished into green particles. 

Hope walked in right as she left, a miserable look on her face. 

"Whatever he said, he lied" The Archangel told her immediately, "He manipulates people with words, weakens them and then takes what he wants. The only reason he hasn't raised anybody else is because I'm blocking it" 

"If you banished him before why haven't you again?" She asked, "Now we know he doesn't know how he's here"

"At the moment this thing manipulating all of this is only sending one problem at a time, If we keep the necromancer here, whilst I'm blocking his ability then it gives us time" He explained, "If I could get into his head I could try and find whatever is blocking his memory, but this things black magic is stopping me" 

"It won't stop me?" Hope suggested, "If we get a vampire we can take a peek into his head?" 

"Absolutely not" He denied, "Hope this thing is powerful and manipulative. I do not want anybody going in it's head am I understood? I've got Gabriel tracking down ingredients to try and remove the black magic blocking me. If it works, then I can get to work" 

"That will take too long!" Hope exclaimed, "This would work Mike!" 

He shook his head, "Absolutely not Hope, I do not want you going into his mind understood?!" 

"But I-" She tried to argue, but he glared, 

"Do you understand me Hope?!" He demanded, 

She nodded, 

"Good" He sighed, "The sooner we find out what this thing sending shit our way is the sooner I can stop it" 

"You know you're kind of scary when your mad" She whispered, to herself.

Mike stood and walked over to her, embracing her, "I'm sorry my wolf. This thing is powerful. Extremely powerful and it terrifies me. I've told you this before, I can't lose anybody else Hope. Nobody else is going to die on my watch"

"You can't promise that Michael" She answered, "You're not..." she trailed off as she realised what she was about to say. 

"I'm not god" he laughed, "No I know, I wouldn't want to be. But whatever is going on here, it's linked to me. Which makes it my responsibility. If I can't protect you all..." 

"No wonder you're being so grumpy" She chuckled. Still in the embrace. 

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