Magic 101 - Part 1

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"Magic is like a surging river, and emotions a damn. Neither can function without the other, but both need to be managed..." 

Mike closed the book he was reading from, "That was written over a thousand years ago by a man called Merlin. I'm sure many of you have heard the legend of him involving King Arthur, but he was in fact real and one of the most powerful sorcerers of his age" He paused for a second and smirked, "And was surprisingly good at dice games although I am sure he cheated"

A hand was raised from the back row of the classroom, "Mr Smith?" A 0girl, around 17, asked "Why are you acting like you knew him?" 

"We had a few beers together once" Mike shrugged with a smirk, "But that's not the point of this. Can anybody tell me what the passage means?"

Nobody raised their hands, making Mike sigh. When he had agreed to take this job after Caroline offered, it had mainly been to keep an eye on hope. But part of him had hoped that he could have at least been a bit good at teaching. 

Hope glimmered in his heart as one student raised their hand in the back, "Yes?" he asked pleading with his father that she would actually have an answer, 

"If you knew Merlin wouldn't that make you over a thousand years old?" She asked, 

He groaned internally and had to stop himself from banging his head against the chalk board. He was the Archangel Michael, God's favourites son. He once lead the armies of heaven and now he's teaching kids. Thankfully the bell saved him, signalling it was time for the next lesson. 

As the students flooded out of the room, Hope walked in, a smile on her face, "Hey!" she exclaimed, 

"Well if it isn't my star pupil" Mike chuckled. Since he'd started working at the school he'd been teaching Hope more about magic. And more specifically how to properly defend herself. 

There was still nobody who knew what him and his sister were though.  

"How was class?" She asked the former amnesiac, 

Mike sighed, running a hand through his hair, "They were all more concerned with my relationship with Merlin more than what the father of magic can teach them"

"I still can't believe you're that old" she chuckled, 

Mike smirked back at her, "Well some may say I age like a fine wine" 

"Or... you cheat and change your face whenever you want" She shot back with a raised eyebrow,

"Oi!" he exclaimed, with mock offence, "I'll have you know that I do not change it whenever I want" 

Hope placed the books she was carrying on his desk and rolled her eyes, "Well if you would actually tell me what you were I would know that" 

"You know I can't Hope" he sighed, "We're not allowed to reveal ourselves to mortals, the only reason I'm still allowed to be here is because of extraneous circumstances" he only half lied. 

The tribrid groaned in frustration, "One day you're going to tell me" 

"Hopefully one day I'll be able to" He nodded in agreement,  a soft smile on his face, "But until then..." 

"I guess I'll keep guessing" She smirked, 

There was a pause between them. Not an awkward pause, but a comfortable silence where they were both enjoying each other's presence. 

However this silence was broken by a loud bang outside the door. Making both individuals snap out of it and look towards the commotion, where Josie was stood smiling awkawrdly, "Hi..." she waved, 

"Don't you have somewhere to be Josette?" Mike asked harshly, 

The young girl bowed her head and fled sheepishly, 

"You need to be nicer to her" Hope scolded, "She helped us get your memories back" 

"Don't worry about it" He said to her, smiling. Any sign of coldness gone in an instant now he was talking to Hope, 

She sighed, this had been happening ever since he got his memories back. Caroline was right he had changed, to everyone but Hope. He was nice enough to everybody else, it was only really Josie he had fully turned the cold shoulder to. 

"I won't be able to make the lesson tonight" She informed him, "Ric needs me to go out on a recruitment with him" 

"He still doesn't trust me?" Mike smirked, "Even after I saved you, literally dying in the process" 

Hope shuddered slightly, still remembering his limp body in the courtyard, "I'm trying Mike I promise" 

He nodded with a soft smile, "I know you are my wolf, but if it makes you feel any better I don't trust him yet either" 

"My wolf?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, 

He shrugged, "Felt right" 

"I like it" She said with a huge grin. 

Whilst he may have changed for other people, Hope had changed for him as well. He was the only person outside her family who she had actually let in. 

Little did she know how much this would hurt her in the end.

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