Spring Break - Part 3

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"Zadkiel" Michael called out, marching after his brother, 

"Leave me alone Michael!" Zads yelled over his shoulder,  

"No!" The archangel challenged, "I won't" 

Zadkiel turned and glared, "Why should we trust you?! You destroyed our home, killed everybody!" 

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness" Mike argued, "I'm not asking you to forget! I just want a chance to make up for it!" 

"Why do you deserve it!" Zads challenged, "Maybe this is your penance. You lose the last bits of your family" 

"Zadkiel, the others want to come to the school. They want to learn again. To be a family" He challenged, 

Zads shook his head, "They forgive too easily" 

"I always taught you to be headstrong Zads" The archangel sighed, "To never let anybody get one over you"

Zads glared at him, refusing to back down just like Michael was saying. 

"But please, for the good of all those who are left. All those we lost" He sighed, "Come home" 

Zadkiel looked at him and sighed, "Why Michael, why are you so hell bent on bringing us all together" 

"Because... because maybe if I can fix this. I might just be even a little bit redeemed" He admitted, 

Zads nodded, "Okay" he sighed, "We'll come with you" 

Michael placed a hand on the shoulder of his brother, "Thank you little brother" 

Zads pushed him back, "I only agreed to come with you. You don't get to call me brother again yet" 

"Okay" Mike agreed in sadness, "Babysteps" 

They returned to the group to find a them laughing, 

"You should have seen Mike's face" Gabby laughed, "Raphael had filled his entire armour set with whipped cream" 

"I nearly threw him into the sun for that" Michael chuckled as he re-joined the group, "I was finding whipped cream in places for weeks" 

Zads smirked slightly at the memory, they sat down with the group. The fire still going strong, 

"So...?" Uriel asked, 

Zads nodded, "We'll go to the school" 

The group grinned, "Fantastic" they laughed, together. Still telling the stories of the good old days. 

"Michael..." Uriel suddenly said, sadness in his eyes, "When you saw dad. What did he say?" 

Mike tensed up, remembering that day. The flames of the fire dancing in his eyes as he remembered the screams. The gardens burning around him.

"He told me he wouldn't fix anything. Refused to help you all as punishment for my actions" Mike sighed, "Said that this was my mistake and that I had to deal with the consequences" 

"That's horrible" Chamuel responded, "How could dad..." 

Mike shook his head, "I don't know. The last year or so, since the destruction, I have been questioning my faith more and more" 

"You have?" Gabby asked in surprise, this was the first she was hearing of some of this,

He nodded, "Dad's plan... I question it more every day" 

"Sounds like what Lucy used to say" Gabby whispered to herself, but everybody heard it, 

"What happened to her?" Jophiel asked, 

Mike shook his head, "I can't..." he whispered, 

"Why not?" Uriel asked, 

Mike just shook his head again, "I just can't" 

They all sat in silence, the mood turning sombre at the mention of their sister.

"When do we head to this school then Michael?" Jophiel asked, 

Mike smiled slightly, "When do you want to?" He asked, 

They all just shrugged, 

"Tell us more about it" Zads asked,

Mike smiled at the fire, "It's a school for the supernatural. Vampires, witches and werewolves. They don't know about our kind so we'd be posing as witches" 

"They have all three species living in harmony?" Uriel asked in surprise, 

He nodded, "Kids of all species, living peacefully together. The brainchild of Alaric Saltzman and Caroline Forbes" 

"Saltzman...?" Uriel asked in surprise, "What the hell are you doing with them" 

"Keeping my eye on things" Michael explained, 

"But Josie..." He warned, 

Mike nodded, "I know, but she seems fine right now" 

"And your sword?" Jophiel asked, 

"Hope is there as well yes" Mike revealed, 

"In the same place?" Uriel asked in surprise, 

Mike nodded, "There's something dark at work. Coincidences, people being tied together. But too many to be a coincidence. Something is pushing all of this together" 

"For what?" Zads asked, 

"I don't know yet, but Malivore is just another tool in this game. Even with the cemetery I should have been able to sense the four of you. Somethings hiding angels from me" He continued the explanation, 

Uriel sighed in shock, "Whatever it is has to be powerful" 

Mike nodded, "That's what's scaring me" He agreed, "Something this powerful, I don't know why I can't find it" 

"Is that the real reason your taking us to this school? To help you?" Zads asked, 

Mike shook his head, "Just to protect you. I don't want you involved in this" 

"Then let's go" Zads decided, "This thing doesn't want us together. So I doubt it will just let us all stay here" 

Suddenly shivers ran down all of their spines. They jumped up and surrounded the fire, looking outwards. 

"I think it's too late"

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