This Could Go Wrong - Part 4

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Various groups had gone after the different ingredients, ranging from a simple holly leaf, to the tusk of an elephant. Thankfully, New Orleans was an ancestral home for witches. Therefore plenty of these ingredients were easy enough to find and procure. So by the time it had reached the time they had arranged to meet up with all the ingredients, the Mikaelsons were ready and were just waiting on Gabby. 

"How do we know if we can even trust her?" Freya demanded, "We have no idea who these people are. We should hand them over to this branded one and be done with it!"

"Aunt Freya!" Hope exclaimed, "Mike has saved my life more times in the last few days than anyone other than my own family. I won't just hand him over as some sacrifice!" 

Freya looked down slightly sheepishly, "Hope we know he's helped you... but we need to protect everyone" 

"No!" She yelled, "If you hand Mike over to this madman, I'll go too" 

Faced with an ultimatum non of the Mikaelsons would cross, Silence befell the courtyard as Hope stormed upstairs to her room where Mike was waiting. Before any of the Mikaelsons could follow her, Caroline beat them too it and followed. 

"Hope..." She said in a soft motherly tone as she found her sat on her bed with Mike. The boy was laughing to himself softly as balls of blue light danced around the room, 

"Hey Miss Forbes" Hope smiled, 

"What are you doing?" She asked, 

"Me?" Hope smiled slyly, "Nothing" 

With slight confusion Caroline looked to the memoryless boy, "He's doing this?" 

Hope nodded, "He can duplicate any magical ability he sees. I'm guessing that's why Gabby said they normally hide as witches" 

"Hope... you know if he gets his memory back. There's a chance he might be different" The blonde vampire tried to warn, 

The Tribrid nodded, "I've seen it enough times before trust me. People transitioning, breaking their curses. People change all around me" 

"But with Mike..." Caroline tried to continue but Hope cut her off, 

"You think I'm too attached" She sighed, 

Caroline joined Hope on the bed, "God no. I could have jumped with joy when I started seeing you let him in, even if it took an all powerful amnesiac" she laughed slightly, Hope smirked at the implication, "I just want you to be prepared" 

Hope nodded, "Thank you Miss Forbes" 

"Hope, we're not in school, you can call me Caroline" The older woman laughed, 

"Thank you, Caroline" She repeated, 

A crack of lightning outside of her room alerted them to the fact that Gabby was back, Mike smiled as the lights dissolved, and the trio left the room. 

Everyone was gathered in the courtyard, Kol, Freya, Marcel, Josie, Caroline, Gabby, Mike and Hope. 

"Right everybody except Hope needs to leave" Gabby declared, "He seems to have taken a liking to her so it might help. But if the rest of you are here and he freaks out, he could destroy you all with a thought" 

"I don't like this" Freya immediately spoke up, 

"Aunt Freya she's right" Hope argued, 

And to everyone's surprise Caroline agreed, "He won't hurt Hope" 

"Good, now we're all agreed" Gabby's sarcasm could almost be seen as she snapped her fingers and everyone but her and Hope vanished, 

"Gabby!" Hope exclaimed, 

She shrugged, "They would've taken too long!" 

"Fine" the Tribrid sighed, 

They led Mike to the centre of the courtyard and drew a chalk circle around him, with Gabby adding in symbols that Hope had never seen before, "This is a powerful spell so don't be too surprised if it attracts some attention" she warned, 

"Great" the auburn hair girl groaned, "Because why would it be easy" 

Gabby closed her eyes and outstretched her arms before her brother and began chanting in an unknown language, "Burta mola hunda" she chanted over and over, 

Blue lightning struck the area around the circle before a large blast struck Mike in the centre. Hope immediately ran towards him but Gabby told her to stay, and when she looked back at Mike in the circle he also had his hand up. Telling her to stop and a smile on his face to reassure him. The blast of lightning intensified until Mike was completely consumed by it, and an explosion of bright light forced Hope to cover her eyes. 

When she opened them again Mike was on the floor, unconscious. 

"Mike!" She exclaimed, running towards him. When she lay hands on him, sparks bounced off, forcing her to pull back slightly. But eventually she lay her hands again and found his heart beating normally, "You're okay" she sighed. 

"We might not be though..." Gabby warned as she turned to the entrance of the doorway,

The Tribrid and the redheaded stranger turned to the gates to see the man from before and his legions, "You know, when I said you had till midnight. I meant midnight" 

Hope looked down at her watch to see it was in fact midnight, "Now where is the sword!" 

A fireball appeared in Hope's hand, and green balls of energy appeared in Gabby's, "You're not getting it" the redhead growled, 

But Hope knew that not even both of them could stop them all. 

She turned and ran to Mike's unconscious body, kneeling down beside him she leant into his ear, "I know Caroline said you might be different, but deep down I know you'll still care about me. Still protect me. So save us Mike, stop them and save us. Please"

"Well I'm afraid that's not good enough" The leader sighed, "Kill them both, then raze this city to the ground"

However, as the first group of branded ones moved forward, a wave of blue energy vaporised them all. 

Gabby and Hope both looked down at Mike, who hand his hand outstretched towards the group. His head was up and eyes were burning white instead of blue now. 

Standing up, he adjusted his jacket. Cracked his neck side to side and glared at the enemy. 

"Now you're in trouble"

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